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v0.4.0 Lab 6 Publishing

CARMLPipelinePrincipal edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 1 revision

In this lab, you will learn how to publish modules, both for releases and prereleases. You will also publish your first modules to the Bicep Registry.


Step 1 - Publish prerelease for a module

  1. In your local VSCode, find the file arm\Microsoft.Network\routeTables\version.json and update the version property to be 0.1.

    update the version property in the version.json file to be 0.1
  2. Next, upload your changes in any of the following 2 ways:

    Alternative 1: Via VSCode's terminal
    1. If a Terminal is not in sight, you can alternatively open it by expanding the Terminal-dropdown on the top, and selecting New Terminal

    2. Now, execute the following PowerShell commands:

      git add .
      git commit -m 'Updated route table version to 0.1'
      git push
    Alternative 2: Via VSCode's UI
    1. Add your changes: If not already there, navigate to the source control menu to the left and add the changed files to the commit. To do so, select the + icon next to Changes (appears when hovering)

      Open source control
    2. Commit your changes: Next, you should give the commit a meaningful message such as 'Updated route table version to 0.1' and can then click the checkmark symbol on the top to create the commit

      Git commit
    3. Push your changes: Finally, you can push the changes to the repository by selecting the blue Publish Branch button

      Git push

Step 2 - Run the workflow in GitHub

  1. Find the workflow for Network: RouteTables in the Actions tab in GitHub.

  2. Click on the "Run workflow" button, select branch dev/routeTable and check the box for Publish prerelease.

    Manually run the workflow for Network: RouteTables with prerelease flag
  3. Wait for the workflow to run, verify that the workflow has published a prerelease version (0.1.x-prerelease) to the Bicep registry.

    Verify the workflow logs seeing that it published to the registry

Step 3 - Verify the published module

One of the ways you can verify whether the publishing worked is by going to the Azure portal and investigating the Bicep registry.

  1. To get there, you first have to navigate to the resource group containing the container registry (by default artifacts-rg). In it, search for the ACR that you specified in Lab 2.

    Find the ACR
  2. Next, find the bicep/modules/ repository.

    Verify in the Azure portal what version was published
  3. Check the repository for the published version.

    The published version

Step 4 - Prepare to publish a release

Next, you will create an actual release, that is, publish modules without the prerelease flag. To do so, proceed with the following steps:

  1. First, you need to create a pull request. As carmlLab was the last branch you worked on, GitHub should create a banner with a button Compare & Pull request for you, once you navigate to the <> Code tab (refresh the page if it does not show up automatically).

    Create a PR
  2. In the PR, first you have to make sure the correct target location is selected. By default the PR would be opened to the upstream CARML repository. To do so, just select your fork from the left dropdown. The UI will then automatically adjust the target to main.

    Select target repo
  3. provide a meaningful description and if you're interested also check the file changes (should be around 6 files) to make sure everything seems in order. Once you're ready, go ahead an merge the pull request.

    Merge a PR
  4. Check the workflow run that was triggered by the merge (push) to main

    Trigger by PR merge

    Note: The pipelines will roughly take 10 minutes to complete. However, you can already proceed with the next steps.

  5. If you further drill into the route table pipeline run, open its Publish module logs, and you can get a detailed view of its process to determine the new version to publish into the target location

    Check the workflow run of the routeTables once the PR is merged

Step 5 - Prepare the next lab

For the next lab you will need a few more modules being published. To do so, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Back in VSCode, change the branch to main and fetch the latest changes. You can achieve this in two ways:

    Alternative 1: Via VSCode's terminal
    1. If Terminal is not in sight, you can alternatively open it by expanding the Terminal-dropdown on the top, and selecting New Terminal

    2. Executing the following commands

          git checkout 'main'
          git pull
    Alternative 2: Via VSCode's UI
    1. Initiate the branch change by selecting the current branch on the bottom left of the VSCode window

      Change branch
    2. Next, a dropdown opens where you select the main branch

      Select main
    3. Finally, you only have to trigger the Sychronize symbol on the bottom left next to the active branch

      Sync main

  2. Create a new branch prereqModules. Again you can do this in two ways:

    Alternative 1: Via VSCode's terminal
    1. If a Terminal is not in sight, you can alternatively open it by expanding the Terminal-dropdown on the top, and selecting New Terminal

    2. Now, execute the following PowerShell commands:

      git checkout -b 'prereqModules'
      git push --set-upstream 'origin' 'prereqModules'
    Alternative 2: Via VSCode's UI
    1. Select the current branch on the bottom left of VSCode

      Change branch main
    2. Select + Create new branch in the opening dropdown

      Init create branch
    3. Enter the new branch name prereqModules

      Enter name
    4. Push the new branch to your GitHub fork by selecting Publish Branch to the left in the 'Source Control' tab

      Git push

  3. Next, change the version number to 0.1 for all of the following modules:

    • Microsoft.Insights/components
    • Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
    • Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces
    • Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces
    • Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups
    • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts

    Note: For our purposes it is sufficient to only change the version.json file for the top-level resource type. In other words, you can ignore the child-modules.

    Note: Make sure you save the changes on each file

  4. Next, push the changes the same way you did before (either via the UI, or PowerShell). VSCode should display you 6 changed files.

    Changed files
  5. And as before, create and merge a pull request from the created branch prereqModules to your main branch

    Note: Don't forget to select the correct target location (your fork)

    PR for prereq modules
  6. Once the PR is merged, navigate to the Actions tab. You should notice 6 pipelines automatically running.

    Prereq pipeline runs

    Note: The pipelines will roughly take 30 minutes to complete. However, you can already proceed with the next steps.


Publishing slide
  • When a change in main occurs on any of the module files (as configured in the on: or trigger: sections of the workflow/pipeline file), the workflow runs.
  • The publishing stage of the workflow will:
    • Look for changed files in the module and child modules folders.
    • For a detected change:
      • Find the nearest template file (deploy.* in same folder as the changed file or parent folder).
      • Find the corresponding version.json file and get the major and minor version numbers. The patch number is calculated from 'git height' (number of commits from base commit). If the workflow/pipeline is run on a non main/master branch, '-prerelease' is added to the version number
      • Finds all parent module files, and get their version data using the same logic as mentioned before.
    • Publish each changed child module and parents using the calculated version numbers

If ready, proceed to the next lab: Lab 7 - Contribution