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Mobile Platform Sensing LiDAR
Dahye Park edited this page Sep 26, 2021
17 revisions
사용한 LiDAR : Ouster 3D LiDAR OS1
ouster github : https://github.com/ouster-lidar/ouster_example를 참고하여 /service/ouster
를 구성하였다.
중 ouster github 업데이트 내용 확인하기 ⇒ ouster_client 위주로 - firmware image 업데이트 ⇒ LiDAR setting(os1_host이 리셋되므로 신중하게 결정
IPv4 Method : Manual Addresses :
1. LiDAR initialize
if (USE_LiDAR == 1)
cout << "Configuring sensor: " << os1_host
<< " UDP Destination:" << os1_udp_dest << std::endl;
cli = ouster::sensor::init_client(os1_host, os1_udp_dest, mode,
ouster::sensor::TIME_FROM_INTERNAL_OSC, lidar_port, imu_port);
cout << "init_client" << endl;
- os1_host :
- os1_udp_dest :
2. poll_client
LiDAR 데이터가 읽을 준비가 되어있거나, 에러가 발생했지 client_state
s를 리턴한다.
- if lidar data is ready to read : (s & LIDAR_DATA) = TRUE
- if an error occured : (s & ERROR) = TRUE
3. read_lidar_packet
LiDAR로 부터 데이터를 읽어온다.
4. WritePCD
Point Cloud에 LiDAR에서 취득한 point들을 담는다.
5. savePCDFile
WritePCD에서 담았던 cloud를 PCD파일로 저장한다.
//[ save PCD ]
sprintf(cSn, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%03d", ts->tm_year + 1900, ts->tm_mon + 1, ts->tm_mday, ts->tm_hour, string ttt(cSn);
string name = "/home/diva2/DIVA2data/"+timestamp+"_0/LiDAR/PCD/LiDAR_" + ttt + ".pcd";
pcl::io::savePCDFile(name, *mLiDAR_Sensing.cloud, true);
6. VoxelGrid
leaf size
로 downsampling 정도를 조절한다.
// [ downsampling ]
pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> sor;
sor.setInputCloud(mLiDAR_Sensing.cloud); //입력
sor.setLeafSize(leaf_size, leaf_size, leaf_size); //leaf size 조절
sor.filter(*mLiDAR_Sensing.cloud_filtered); //출력
leaf size
는 아래와 같이 main.cpp에서 sensingthread_LiDAR의 파라미터로 조절 가능하다.
LiDAR_SensingThread mLiDARSensingThread;
thread sensingthread_LiDAR(mLiDARSensingThread.run, &socket, ref(m), 0.1f); //0.1f = leaf_size
7. Parsing to Protocol Buffer and Serialization
// [Parsing to Proto]
// <Serialization>
int data_len = pLiDAR.ByteSize();
unsigned char data[data_len] = "\0";
pLiDAR.SerializeToArray(data, data_len);
8. Send to Visualization using ZeroMQ
// <Send>
zmq::message_t zmqData(data_len);
memcpy((void *)zmqData.data(), data, data_len);
s_send_idx(*socket, SENSOR_LIDAR);
s_send(*socket, zmqData);
CMakeLists.txt 🚀link
1. PCL & Boost
## Boost
find_package(Boost 1.47.0 COMPONENTS system filesystem thread REQUIRED )
set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} )
## Use PCL
find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
find_package(PCL 1.11.1 REQUIRED)
include_directories(${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PCL_LIBRARIES}) #헤더 디렉토리 지정(-I)
link_directories(${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS}) #라이브러리 디렉토리 지정 (-L)
add_definitions(${PCL_DEFINITIONS}) #전처리기 메크로 추가 (-D)
2. ouster helper
add_library(ouster_helper STATIC ../../service/ouster/client.cpp
set_target_properties(ouster_helper PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON)
target_link_libraries(ouster_helper jsoncpp)
target_include_directories(ouster_helper PUBLIC include)
target_include_directories(ouster_helper SYSTEM PRIVATE ${jsoncpp_INCLUDE_DIRS})
3. LiDAR 실행파일
LiDAR_SensingThread.cpp LiDAR_Sensing.cpp
If you have any questions, please email below.
- dazory: 12181851@inha.edu
- yuntreee: lewis45626@gmail.com
- airpod2: 12181774@inha.edu
- ka-yeon: 12181736@inha.edu
🚘 Mobile Platform
📊 Ground Station