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Session Table

ehennestad edited this page Mar 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

Sorting sessions

You can sort sessions either by double clicking the table header for the column you want to sort by, or by right-clicking the table header and selecting a sort direction from the context menu

Filtering sessions

You can customize views using filters for session metadata listed under each of the table variables. To filter sessions, press and hold (about 500 ms) the header for the table column you want to filter. A popup will appear where you can select which values to keep. The popup will depend on the data type in the table column. You can apply filters to multiple columns, and to reset the filter(s), right click anywhere in the table header and select Reset Filters.

Creating new table variables

In the nansen main app, go the the following menu to create a new table variable: Metatable -> New table variable -> Create.

This will open the following dialog:

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Here you can enter a name for the table variable, select what data type the variable should have and select how the table variable values should be entered into the table. There are three options:

  • Enter values manually : This will create a column with editable cells where values can be typed in
  • Get values from function : This will open a MATLAB function template that can be edited. This function will take a session object as an input and return the value that should be displayed in the table.
  • Get values from list : This will open a dialog where you can enter a list of values to select from. In the table you can later select one of these values from a dropdown list.

Note: If you create a table variable for any of the default variables in the table, you can customize how their values are obtained. E.g table variables like Experiment and Protocol are meant to be configured like this by the user.

Creating session subgroups

To create a metatable for a subgroup of sessions, select the Metatable -> New Metatable... from Nansen's main app.

Right click on sessions and select "Add to Metatable" -> {Name of Metatable} to add sessions to the table.

Note: The new table will only contain links to the sessions from the main table, so if a session is modified, the changes should appear across all tables a session is member of.

Removing meta tables

There is currently no way to remove tables from the GUI, but the commands below can be used in MATLAB's command window:

Get an object representing the list of available metatables for the current project:

MTC = nansen.metadata.MetaTableCatalog

Remove an entry from the catalog:

MTC.removeEntry(<name of table>)

where <name of table> should be replaced with the name as it appears in the MetaTableName column of MTC.

Hiding columns

Right click the column header and select Hide this column. To make the row visible again, right click in the table header and select Column Settings...