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zOS network commands

vlysynska edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

This document contains many of the commonly used commands (with brief descriptions) for FTP and TCP/IP, as well as related z/OS, z/VM, VSE, Linux, and VTAM commands.

TCP/IP Commands for TSO/E

Note: The following TCP/IP commands should be done from the TSO command panel or the READY prompt. Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host name of the host.

Description Command
Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. FTP hostname {port}
Validate TCP/IP configuration. HOMETEST
Display network status of local host. Use ? for list of options. NETSTAT option {TCP procname}
Display port connections for the TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT ALLCON|CONN
Display ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT ARP ALL|ipaddress
Display the status of the device(s) and link(s) for the TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT DEV
Display routing information for the TCP/IP stack. (Different views). NETSTAT GATE|ROUTE
Display IP address(es) for the stack. NETSTAT HOME
Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. Use ? for list of options. PING hostname
Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use ? for list of options. TELNET hostname {port}
Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use ? for list of options. TRACERTE hostname

z/OS Console Commands for TCP/IP

Note: If multiple stacks are running, you must identify the stack in the procname field.

Description Command
Display list names and status of TCP/IP stacks. D TCPIP
Display list of TCP/IP display options. These include -NETSTAT, TELNET, HELP, DISPLAY, VARY, OMPROUTE, SYSPLEX, STOR. D TCPIP,{procname},HELP
Display socket information for the TCP/IP stack. D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,ALLCONN|CONN
Display contents of ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack. D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,ARP
Display Device and link status for the TCP/IP stack. D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,DEVlinks
Display the IP address(es) for the TCP/IP stack. D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,HOME
Display the routing table for the TCP/IP stack. D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,ROUTE
Display list of TCP/IP vary options. These include - HELP, OBEYFILE, PKTTRACE, DATTRACE, START, STOP, PURGECACHE V TCPIP,{procname},HELP
Purge ARP cache for the specified adapter (linkname from NETSTAT,DEVLINKS). V TCPIP,{procname},PURGECACHE,linkname
Start or stop the device name identified in NETSTAT DEV output. V TCPIP,{procname},START|STOP,devname
Performs specified function for TELNET. V TCPIP,{procname},Telnet,xxxx
Enables/disables lu as VTAM session candidate ACT|INACT,luname
Blocks new connections. QUIESCE
Ends telnet connections and closes port. STOP

Related z/OS Console Commands

Note: The value for "c's and d's" in the following Display Matrix (D M) command is optional, but if included, must be in parentheses ().

Description Command
MIH value for device. D IOS,MIH,DEV=dddd
Status of CHPID cc, or summary of all CHPIDs if (cc) is not provided. Display CHPIDs/device status or summary of CHPID status of all devices if (dddd) is not provided. D M=CHP{(cc)}|DEV{(dddd)}
Display information for all devices by selected status. D U,,ALLOC|OFFLINE|ONLINE
Display status of devices starting at device dddd for nnn number of devices (default 16). D U,,,dddd{,nnn}
Set MIH time for specified device. SETIOS MIH,DEV=ddd,TIME=mm:ss
Vary device(s) offline or online. V dddd|dddd-dddd,OFFLINE|ONLINE
Configure online/offline CHPID cc to MVS & hardware. CF CHP(cc),ONline|OFFline

z/VM Operator Commands

Note: Requires class B authority to issue the following commands.

Description Command
Display MIH times for devices. Q MITIME
Display status of OSA devices. Q OSA ACTIVE|ALL
Display status of real device(s). Q rdev|rdev-rdev
Display path status to real device(s) (PIM, PAM, LPM). Q PATHS rdev|rdev-rdev
Display real CHPID status. Q CHPID cc
Vary device(s) off or online VARY OFF|ON rdev|rdev-rdev
Change the status of a path to device(s). VARY OFF|ON PATH cc FROM|TO rdev|rdev-rdev
Configure a CHPID off or on to both hardware and software. VARY OFF|ON CHPID cc

z/VM TCP/IP Commands

Note: Your CMS userid must be linked to the TCPMAINT 592 minidisk to execute the following commands. Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host name of the host.

Description Command
Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. Enter FTP ? for list of options. FTP hostname {port}
Validate TCP/IP configuration. HOMETEST
display network interfaces. IFCONFIG
Start or stop the specified network interface. IFCONFIG interface UP|DOWN
Display network status of local host. Use ? for list of options. NETSTAT option
Display all port connections for the TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT ALLCON|CONN
Display ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT ARP *|ipaddress
Display the status of the device(s) and link(s) for the TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT DEV
Display TCP/IP routing information. NETSTAT GATE
Display IP address(es) in TCP/IP stack. NETSTAT HOME
Start or stop the device name identified in NETSTAT DEV output. NETSTAT OBEY START|STOP devname
Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. Use ? for list of options. PING hostname
Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use ? for list of options. TELNET hostname {port}
Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use ? for list of options. TRACERTE hostname

VSE TCP/IP Commands

Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host name of the host.

Description Command
Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. PING hostname
Display contents of ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack. Query ARP{,IP=hostname}
Display port connections for the TCP/IP stack. Query CON{,IP=hostname}
Display link status. Query LINKs{,ID=name}
Display contents of subnet mask table. Query MASKs
Display routing table for the TCP/IP stack. Query ROUTes{ID=name|,IP=hostname}
Display device status. STATUS dddd
Start a link in the TCP/IP stack. START LINK=name
Suspends attempts to activate a link. Note: Use with CTCA and cross-partition links (not OSA). STOP LINK=name
Trace hops from this host to destination host. TRACERT hostname

VTAM Commands

VTAM commands related to OSA cards.

Description Command
Display network named in ID field. Additional parameters that may be added: 1) ,SCOPE=ONLY|ACT|ALL|INACT 2) ,E - Gives extended information about the node. D NET,ID=name
Shows status of all active major nodes or applications. D NET,MAJNODES|APPLS
Lists nodes in pending states. D NET,PENDING
Display list of TRLEs. D NET,TRL
Display status of specific TRLE. (Use this command to display the devices assigned to a QDIO (or MPC) OSA-Express resource.) D NET,TRL,TRLE=trlename
Deletes all inactive TRLEs. V NET,ACT,ID=ISTTRL,UPDATE=ALL
Activates the VTAM resource identified by the name. V NET,ACT,ID=name
Inactivates the VTAM resource identified by the name. 1) ,F|I|U - Deactivate FORCE, IMMEDIATE, or UNCONDITIONAL (if normal inact fails). V NET,INACT,ID=name

TCP/IP Commands for OS/2

Commands must be done from a command prompt window. The commands are listed in upper case for presentation only. They should be entered in lower case. Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host name of the host.

Description Command
Display ARP cache. Use -? for options. ARP -A
Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. Use -? for list of options. NETSTAT command output may roll through the OS/2 window. To prevent this, add |more to the end of the netstat command. (Or direct output to a file by adding >filename.TXT to the end of the NETSTAT command.) FTP hostname {port}
Sends request to an IP address and returns information about the hostname. HOST ipaddress
Display a list of options. NETSTAT -?
Display host network address. NETSTAT -A
Display host ICMP statistics. NETSTAT -C
Display host name for specified IP address. NETSTAT -H
Display host IP statistics. NETSTAT -I
Display host network interface details. (Like MAC, speed, and statistics) NETSTAT -N
Display host ARP cache. NETSTAT -P
Display host routes. NETSTAT -R
Display host sockets. NETSTAT -S
Display host TCP statistics. NETSTAT -T
Display host UDP statistics. NETSTAT -U
Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if computer is accessible. (To cancel, use Ctrl + C.) Use -? for list of options. PING hostname
Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use -? for list of options. TELNET {-p port} hostname
Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use -? for list of options. TRACERTE hostname

TCP/IP Commands for Windows

Commands should work for Windows 95, 98, NT, & 2000. Commands must be done from a command prompt window. The commands are listed in upper case for presentation only. They should be entered in lower case. Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host name of the host.

Description Command
Display ARP cache. Use -? for options. ARP -A
Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. Use -? for list of options. Note: The output of the NETSTAT command may roll through your window. To prevent this, add |more to the end of the netstat command. (Or direct the output to a file by adding >filename.TXT to the end of the NETSTAT command.) FTP hostname
Display a list of options. NETSTAT -?
Display host socket information. NETSTAT -A
Display host Ethernet statistics. NETSTAT -E
Display host addresses and ports numerically. NETSTAT -N
Display connection information for the selected protocol. NETSTAT -P TCP|UDP|IP
Display host routes. NETSTAT -R
Display host statistics. NETSTAT -S
Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. Use -? for list of options. PING hostname
Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use -? for list of options. TELNET hostname {port}
Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use -? for list of options. TRACERT hostname

TCP/IP Commands for Linux

The commands are listed in upper case for presentation only. They should be entered in lower case.

Description Command
Display ARP cache. Use -? for options. ARP
Display complete information about the Linux environment including network devices. ( |MORE keeps output from scrolling.) ( > filename to send to a file.) DMESG|MORE
Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. Use -? for options. FTP hostname|ipaddress
Display network interfaces (like LO,EN0,TR0) IFCONFIG
Start or stop the selected network interface(EN0,TR0, etc). For the following NETSTAT commands, adding N to the option will display numerical output. AddingV will display verbose. IFCONFIG interface UP|DOWN
Display all sockets. NETSTAT -A
Display interface table. NETSTAT -I
Display host routes. NETSTAT -R
Sends an echo request to a host to determine if the computer is accessible. Use -? for options. PING hostname|ipaddress
Displays IP routing table. ROUTE
Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use -? for options. TELNET hostname|ipaddress {port}
Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use -? for list of options. TRACEROUTE hostname|ipaddress

FTP Subcommands

Description Command
ASCII transfer of text files. ascii
BINARY transfer of binary files. binary
Change directory on remote host. cd remote-directory
Ends the FTP session. After close, OPEN a new connection or QUIT from FTP. close
Delete the file from remote host. delete filename
Gives full directory listing on remote host. file - file to be listed. destination - where to put listing. Both file and destination are optional. dir {file destination}
Get a file from remote host. get filename {localfilename}
Display a hash sign (#) every time a block of data is transferred. (Useful for large transfers.) hash
Displays a description of the command. If a command is not specified, a list of commands is displayed. help {command}
Change directory on your local machine. lcd directory
Like dir, but less information. ls {file destination}
Get multiple files from remote machine. mget file-list
Put multiple files to remote machine. mput file-list
Connect to named machine (IP or host name). Old connection must be CLOSEd first. open machine-name
Turn prompting off/on for mget and mput. prompt
Put a file onto remote host. put filename {remotefilename}
Present Working Directory on remote host. pwd
Exits FTP. quit|bye

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