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Shell script to track Jira ticket status
AnatolyKolbasin edited this page Jul 14, 2021
2 revisions
- The curlFunction function sends a get request to get issue data in Jira and this data is stored in result.txt
- The functions parsingFunctionFirstMethod and parsingFunctionSecondMethod are parsing data functions (in different ways)
- The sendMailToSlack function sends a message about status change to the slack channel
- The sendMailToEmail function sends an issue status change message to an email
- The startApplication function starts the application if the issue status changes
- An infinite loop is started that checks the status and takes action
bash Script <baseJiraURL> <jiraUser> <jiraPassword> <issueID> <DirectoryForFile> slack <HookSlack>
<T01DWK7PKCY/B01D70VUBMH/BfjzoOeNm64NrtR6mLuVfLfe> part of hooks url passed as parameter
bash Script <baseJiraURL> <jiraUser> <jiraPassword> <issueID> <DirectoryForFile> email <EmailRecipient>
bash Script <baseJiraURL> <jiraUser> <jiraPassword> <issueID> <directoryForFile> app <NameScriptOrApplication>
baseJiraURL host name of the Jira server. For example: jira.test.by
JiraUser/JiraPassword auth information to connect to Jira
issueID key and number of the issue. For example: TEST-19
path path name where result.txt data stored
optionSendMail options: slack, email or app
If needed, specify **EMAIL ADDRESS**
and **PASSWORD**
in the script
function curlFunction {
curl -L -D- -u $jiraUser:$jiraPassword -X GET -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" https://$baseJiraURL/rest/api/2/issue/$issueID?fields=status > /$path/result.txt
value=`cat result.txt`
function parsingFunctionFirstMethod {
value=`echo $value | sed 's/ /№/g'`
my_arr=($(echo $value | tr "," "\n"))
IFS='"' read -ra my_arr <<< "${my_arr[22]}"
a=`echo "${my_arr[3]}"`
status=`echo "${my_arr[3]}" | sed 's/№/ /g'`
function parsingFunctionSecondMethod {
if grep -q "To Do" <<< "$value"; then
status="To Do"
elif grep -q "In Progress" <<< "$value"; then
status="In Progress"
elif grep -q "Done" <<< "$value"; then
function sendMailToSlack {
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data "{\"text\":\"$msg\"}" https://hooks.slack.com/services/$to
function sendMailToEmail {
echo "From: \"Bot\" $from"
echo "To: \"Alex\" $to"
echo "Subject: Status has been changed"
echo "$msg"
} > mail.txt
curl --ssl-reqd --url 'smtps://smtp.gmail.com:465' --user "$from:$emailPasswordForSendMail" --mail-from "$from" --mail-rcpt "$to" --upload-file mail.txt --insecure
function startApplication {
echo `bash "$to" "$msg"`
# Also it's possible to start different applications
# `libreoffice --writer`
sleep 10
if [[ "$previosSt" != "$status" ]]; then
msg="Status of $issueID ticket was changed from '$previosSt' to '$status'"
# echo "$msg"
if [[ "$optionSendMail" == slack ]]; then
elif [[ "$optionSendMail" == email ]]; then
elif [[ "$optionSendMail" == app ]]; then
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