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HSM system commands

IBA-mainframe-dev edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 1 revision

This document contains useful day-to-day HSM system commands

QUERY commands

Description Command
List out running processes and the statuses of the HSM components QUERY ACTIVE
List out all waiting for resource commands QUERY WAITING
List out what is happening with HSM's automatic functions QUERY AUTOPROGRESS
List out the users who are running active or queued commands QUERY USER
Query active processes QUERY PROCESS
List out the name of the HSM started task QUERY IMAGE
List out all automatic processes running at this time QUERY AUTOP
List out all ABARS parameters QUERY ABARS
List out all aggregate recovery volumes QUERY ARPOOL
List out all the recall pools QUERY POOL
List out all current backup parameters QUERY BACKUP
List out CDS backup information QUERY CDSV
List out information about the CDS files QUERY CDS
List out ML2 volumes, including info about volumes that are currently in use QUERY ML2
List out all HSM information for the specified dataset QUERY DATASETNAME(
List out space information for a specified volume QUERY SPACE(volume_here)
List out the HSM startup parameters QUERY STAR
List out all files that are excluded from migration by SETMIG commands QUERY RETAIN
List out the CSA or memory limit parameters for HSM QUERY CSALIMITS
List out DFHSM settings QUERY SETSYS


Description Command
Hold recall. Optionally (TAPE) HOLD RECALL
Hold migration HOLD MIGRATION
Hold fast replication recover. Optionally (TAPE) HOLD FRRECOV
Hold dump HOLD DUMP
Hold aggregate backup HOLD ABACKUP
Hold aggregate recovery HOLD ARECOVER
Hold tape recycling HOLD RECYCLE
Hold tape copy HOLD TAPECOPY
Hold tape replication HOLD TAPEREPL
Hold common recall queue (CRQ) HOLD COMMONQUEUE
Hold recover. Optionally (TAPEDATASET) HOLD RECOVER
Release function RELEASE function_name
Cancel request CANCEL REQUEST(request_number)
Cancel all user processes CANCEL USER(userid)

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