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How to join community and contribute?

AnatolyKolbasin edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 11 revisions

If you want to improve the mainframe community and MF materials base - contribute to our project and make it better for all mainframe developers and users. Your help and contribution (in any amount and in any form) is very welcome!

So how does contributing benefit you specifically? There's a lot of value in it, but here are some of the practical highlights:

  • Helps solve common problems
  • Improve your skills as a mainframe programmer
  • Adding your own developments, which can be improved by other users (kinda code review)
  • Increase confidence
  • Community and recognition

First Contribution

To work with the repository, you need a GitHub account. You can create it quickly by following the link.

fork this repository

Fork this repository

Fork this repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account, where you can make your changes.

When you do, you will be automatically redirected to your copy of the repository

create new file

Make necessary changes and commit those changes

To add your files and developments - you can go to the directory you need and select the option Add file > Upload files and select the files you want to add.

You can also edit and add information to existing files. Try to open the files you need in a text editor and add your additions to them. Now, save the files.

Come up with a title - The important part is the title. Help other people quickly understand how your solution can help them


If you need a separate directory, try putting / in the file header.

Now commit your changes using the Commit changes button at the bottom of the page:

Submit your changes for review

At the top of the page is a tab Pull request. Click on that tab.

create a pull request

Here click New pull request

new pull request

Now create new pull request.

submit pull request

After creating a pull request, within 24 hours we will see your additions/changes and if everything is in order - they will be added to the repository. You will get a notification email once the changes have been merged.

Where to go from here?

Congrats! You just completed the standard fork -> edit -> pull request workflow that you'll encounter often as a contributor!

You could contact us in case you need any help or have any questions. Contact us!.

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