Reverting rubocop styles to pass the tests initially #5358
11 errors
Run rspec tests:
Plates Heron API #create when providing events when missing required subjects in the events part displays the error
Failure/Error: event.errors.each { |key, value| errors.add(key, value) }
DEPRECATION WARNING: Enumerating ActiveModel::Errors as a hash has been deprecated.
In Rails 6.1, `errors` is an array of Error objects,
therefore it should be accessed by a block with a single block
parameter like this:
person.errors.each do |error|
attribute = error.attribute
message = error.message
You are passing a block expecting two parameters,
so the old hash behavior is simulated. As this is deprecated,
this will result in an ArgumentError in Rails 7.0.
(called from add_all_errors_from_event at /home/runner/work/sequencescape/sequencescape/app/heron/factories/concerns/eventful.rb:26)
Run rspec tests:
Plates Heron API #create when providing events when missing required subjects in the events part behaves like a failed plate creation does not create a plate
Failure/Error: event.errors.each { |key, value| errors.add(key, value) }
DEPRECATION WARNING: Enumerating ActiveModel::Errors as a hash has been deprecated.
In Rails 6.1, `errors` is an array of Error objects,
therefore it should be accessed by a block with a single block
parameter like this:
person.errors.each do |error|
attribute = error.attribute
message = error.message
You are passing a block expecting two parameters,
so the old hash behavior is simulated. As this is deprecated,
this will result in an ArgumentError in Rails 7.0.
(called from add_all_errors_from_event at /home/runner/work/sequencescape/sequencescape/app/heron/factories/concerns/eventful.rb:26)
Shared Example Group: "a failed plate creation" called from ./spec/requests/api/v2/heron/plates_spec.rb:254
Run rspec tests:
Plates Heron API #create when providing events when missing required subjects in the events part behaves like a failed plate creation returns 422
Failure/Error: event.errors.each { |key, value| errors.add(key, value) }
DEPRECATION WARNING: Enumerating ActiveModel::Errors as a hash has been deprecated.
In Rails 6.1, `errors` is an array of Error objects,
therefore it should be accessed by a block with a single block
parameter like this:
person.errors.each do |error|
attribute = error.attribute
message = error.message
You are passing a block expecting two parameters,
so the old hash behavior is simulated. As this is deprecated,
this will result in an ArgumentError in Rails 7.0.
(called from add_all_errors_from_event at /home/runner/work/sequencescape/sequencescape/app/heron/factories/concerns/eventful.rb:26)
Shared Example Group: "a failed plate creation" called from ./spec/requests/api/v2/heron/plates_spec.rb:254
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will generate sample accessions
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
return false unless valid? # rubocop:todo Rails/TransactionExitStatement
return true if process_upload_and_callbacks # rubocop:todo Rails/TransactionExitStatement
# One of our post processing checks failed, something went wrong, so we
# roll everything back
raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
DEPRECATION WARNING: Using `return`, `break` or `throw` to exit a transaction block is
deprecated without replacement. If the `throw` came from
`Timeout.timeout(duration)`, pass an exception class as a second
argument so it doesn't use `throw` to abort its block. This results
in the transaction being committed, but in the next release of Rails
it will rollback.
(called from run! at /home/runner/work/sequencescape/sequencescape/app/models/sample_manifest/uploader.rb:31)
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will not upload an invalid plate sample manifest
Failure/Error: Study.find_by(name: new_study) || FactoryBot.create(:study, name: new_study)
Validation failed: Login has already been taken
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will not upload an invalid library tube with tag sequences sample manifest
Failure/Error: Study.find_by(name: new_study) || FactoryBot.create(:study, name: new_study)
Validation failed: Login has already been taken
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will upload a valid partial 1d tube sample manifest
Failure/Error: Study.find_by(name: new_study) || FactoryBot.create(:study, name: new_study)
Validation failed: Login has already been taken
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will not upload an invalid 1d tube sample manifest
Failure/Error: Study.find_by(name: new_study) || FactoryBot.create(:study, name: new_study)
Validation failed: Login has already been taken
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will upload a valid library tube with tag sequences sample manifest
Failure/Error: Study.find_by(name: new_study) || FactoryBot.create(:study, name: new_study)
Validation failed: Login has already been taken
Run rspec tests:
SampleManifest::Uploader when checking uploads will upload a valid partial multiplexed library tube with tag sequences sample manifest
Failure/Error: Study.find_by(name: new_study) || FactoryBot.create(:study, name: new_study)
Validation failed: Login has already been taken