This Repository is a Python collection of scripts used to help manage Enstore Tape Migration logs. The main script is run with a few command line arguments.
- Setup Python 3.7 environment.
- Clone this repository
- Edit config/config.conf
- Run python
- Run python pygration check|process|logs [errors|no-errors|all]|status
- Python >= 3.7
- Postgres
- python modules: tqdm, click, sqlalchemy
- Enstore
To continuously check for new logs during migration process add a cronjob.
Add cronjob to run /path/to/files/migrate_helper_scripts/
We use SemVer for versions. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Jeff Derbyshire - Initial work - jeffderbyshire
This project is licensed under the GNU/GPLv3 License - see the file for details