Releases: highmed/highmed-processes
0.7.0 - Ping/Pong Improvements | DSF 0.9.x
General remarks:
- This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version 0.9.0. This release does not work with older versions of the DSF.
- See NUM-CODEX internal mail communication for upgrade deadlines, especially regarding expiring client certificates of the GTH in the test- and production environments.
- To Update an existing DSF 0.7.0 installation, please see the 0.7.0 -> 0.8.0 Upgrade Guide.
- To Update an existing DSF 0.8.0 installation, please see the 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 Upgrade Guide.
- For a fresh deployment please see the NUM‐CODEX DSF 0.9.0 Deployment and HiGHmed DSF 0.9.0 Deployment guides.
Features include:
- Improves the ping/pong auto-start process. When started the auto-start process, will signal existing process instances to stop executing.
- The ping/pong process now works between different endpoint from the same organization.
- Automatically send mails can be enabled for failed ping or pong process executions.
- For detailed descriptions, example Task resource and configuration recommendations, see the HiGHmed Processes Wiki
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
Add jars to /opt/bpe/process
and make sure they can be read by the bpe Linux-user (chown root:bpe, chmod 440), restart/start bpe.
- data-sharing: dsf-bpe-process-data-sharing-0.7.0.jar
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.7.0.jar
- feasibility-mpc: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-mpc-0.7.0.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.7.0.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.7.0.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.7.0.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.7.0.jar
Issues closed: - DSF 0.9.0 Backport for 0.6.0
General remarks:
- This is a backport of the 0.6.0 release for version 0.9.0 of the DSF. Allowing DSF 0.9.0 users to interact with DSF 0.7.0 deployments.
- Note: Do not deploy these backport releases unless you know what you are doing.
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
Add jars to /opt/bpe/process
and make sure they can be read by the bpe Linux-user (chown root:bpe, chmod 440), restart/start bpe.
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-
Issues closed:
- Backport 0.6.0 Release to DSF 0.9.0 #51
0.6.0 - Data Sharing | DSF 0.7.0
General remarks:
- Upgrade to the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework version 0.6.0.
- New process for data sharing
- New process for feasibility using secure multi party computation
- Improved ping/pong process with autostart feature and status messages
- For detailed descriptions, example Task resource and configuration recommendations, see the HiGHmed Processes Wiki
Process exclude config (based on the process plugins you are using, your configuration may differ):
- MeDIC:
ORG_HIGHMED_DSF_BPE_PROCESS_EXCLUDED: | highmedorg_computeFeasibility/0.6.0 highmedorg_computeDataSharing/0.6.0 highmedorg_updateAllowList/0.6.0
- TTP:
ORG_HIGHMED_DSF_BPE_PROCESS_EXCLUDED: | highmedorg_downloadAllowList/0.6.0 highmedorg_localServicesIntegration/0.6.0 highmedorg_requestFeasibility/0.6.0 highmedorg_executeFeasibility/0.6.0 highmedorg_requestDataSharing/0.6.0 highmedorg_executeDataSharing/0.6.0 highmedorg_executeFeasibilityMpcMultiShare/0.6.0 highmedorg_executeFeasibilityMpcSingleShare/0.6.0 highmedorg_requestFeasibilityMpc/0.6.0
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
Add jars to /opt/bpe/process
and make sure they can be read by the bpe Linux-user (chown root:bpe, chmod 440), restart/start bpe.
- data-sharing: dsf-bpe-process-data-sharing-0.6.0.jar
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.6.0.jar
- feasibility-mpc: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-mpc-0.6.0.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.6.0.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.6.0.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.6.0.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.6.0.jar
Issues closed:
- Create a version of the feasibility process that uses sMPC instead of a TTP #35
- Add the new #{date} place holder to bpmn and fhir files, switch to #{...} #34
- Send feasibility requests only to MeDICs with a HiGHmed affiliation #29
- Add task profile constants with version #27
- Start Ping/Pong Process With Search-Parameters to Select Organizations #22
- Add a Basic Data Sharing Process #2
0.5.0 - DSF Upgrade
General remarks:
- Upgrade to the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework version 0.5.0.
- Upgrade of Maven dependencies.
- Source code formatting and Java import sort plugins added to Maven build.
Process exclude config:
- MeDIC:
- TTP:
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
Add jars to /opt/bpe/process
and make sure they can be read by the bpe Linux-user, restart/start bpe.
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.5.0.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.5.0.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.5.0.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.5.0.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.5.0.jar
Issues closed:
First Release Candidate for 0.5.0
General remarks:
- Upgrade to the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework version 0.5.0-RC1.
- Upgrade of Maven dependencies.
- Source code formatting and Java import sort plugins added to Maven build.
Process exclude config:
- MeDIC:
- TTP:
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.5.0-RC1.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.5.0-RC1.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.5.0-RC1.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.5.0-RC1.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.5.0-RC1.jar
Issues closed:
0.4.1 - Fix AQL query case sensitivity
Fixes include:
- Removes transformation of AQL queries to lower case because they are case sensitive and therefore return wrong results during process execution
Process exclude config:
- MeDIC:
- TTP:
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.4.1.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.4.1.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.4.1.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.4.1.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.4.1.jar
Issues closed:
- AQL queries are case sensitive, but are transformed to lower case during process execution #18
0.4.0 - Process Modularization System
General remarks:
The HiGHmed process modules feasibility, local-services, ping, update-allow-list and update-resources have been moved from the main Data Sharing Framework code to this repository and will be release separately.
An example process repository was created at highmed/example-processes. The repository will contain examples to get you started developing new processes for the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework v0.4.0.
When upgrading from 0.3.0 of the HiGHmed DSF it is recommended to delete/drop the existing fhir and bpe databases.
Features include:
- The FHIR-profiles and Constants where refactored to be consistent over all HiGHmed processes.
- Release and develop-snapshot builds will be released in the GitHub Packages Maven Registry.
Fixes include:
- All organizations that are part of the HiGHmed allow-list are now added correctly as participating-medics to the process initiating ResearchStudy resource if missing.
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.4.0.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.4.0.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.4.0.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.4.0.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.4.0.jar
Issues closed: