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Decision maker workflow

Lisa M edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

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Decision maker workflow diagram

Background information

Message from Lisa on slack (Jan 8 2020):

Staff are going to need to provide fairly lengthy rationales and attach documents to their recommendations to staff (ex. consultation or referral summaries) as not all needed material is available via hyperlink Decision makers are the people who must make the final decision if an RUP is to be approved. Typically the decision maker will be the district manager.

  • Decision makers have the legal right to delegate another person (only one at any given time) to act as the decision maker (delegated decision maker)

  • Decision makers make decisions on plans that are marked as "awaiting decision" by range officers (status 15 and 16 as well as minor amendments that require a determination by the the DM).

  • Can not edit the plan.

  • There is an approval checklist that the DM must go through.

  • DM must have ability to add conditions of approval that are visible any time the plan is viewed (like an additional section of the plan that is most often blank)

  • Options a DM can choose for initial plans and mandatory amendments:

    • Approve
    • Approve with Conditions
      • If chosen, they must select which conditions to include
    • Not Approved - Further Work Required
    • Not Approved

— Options a DM can choose for minor amendments requiring their review: — stands (status 9? — needs to be distinguished from those that have not been reviewed by staff or had DM determination)

  • wrongly made without effect (status 7) — stand_wrongly made (status 8)
  • change to mandatory amendment (no current status for this)

DMs are assigned to a district, and a district has only one decision maker at a time. The RANs a DM is responsible for is based on this district (districts have zones, and agreements are associated with a zone). Decision makers can be assigned to more than one district at a time.

DMs view all RUPs for their district on the plan list page, not just the ones awaiting decision.

Recommendation package

There is also some info that Range officers will have to compile before sending an RUP for confirmation (the "recommendation package",

Included information:

  • Background (required): A few paragraphs of text
  • Consultation summary: A few paragraphs of text
  • Consultation Record URL (optional)
  • Consultation record: file attachment (optional)
  • Stakeholder summary (optional): A few paragraphs of text
  • Stakeholder record URL (optional)
  • Stakeholder review record: file attachment
  • Selectable recommendation:
    • Approve
    • Approve with Conditions
      • If chosen, they must create a list of separate conditions that can be selected by the DM
    • Not Approved - Further Work Required
      • If chosen, they must describe what further work is required in a field.
    • Not Approved

The RO then can submit the recommendation package to the DM for the district.


  • Create a new decision maker role
  • This role will only be able to approved or reject RUPs
  • Should only need access to statuses 15 and 16 (and disallow range officers from making a decision) *note that the status list may change based on minor amendment work moving into decision maker workflow