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Bumsuk Seo edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 1 revision

The functional roles (FR) that are assigned to agents make up a typology that defines general characteristics of land manager practices. Searching agents are prototypes of specific FRs that allow the comparison of productivity, utility and other characteristics of “typical” agents of that FR. Finally, individual agents of a given type are not identical – production functions and giving up/giving in thresholds are drawn from distributions to provide within-type hetero- geneity.

For example, the land manager agent interface specifies that agents have a unique ID, manage a certain number of cells, have a behavioural type and follow a functional role. A user may implement new behavioural types and functional roles as long as they fulfil the contract of according interfaces. CRAFTY CoBRA extends its predecessor, CRAFTY (Murray-Rust et al., 2014), by the decoupling of agent functional types (AFT) into behavioural types (BT) and functional roles (FR), rich decision making features by cognitive behavioural types, and global institutions that may act within and across regions

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