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Bumsuk Seo edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 1 revision

The demand model is responsible for calculating the residuals taking into account the (pre-)defined demand levels and the current supply for each service. The demand models differ regarding their spatial level (eg. cell level or regional level) but may also define various horizons of updating demand levels.

Demand levels are exogenous to the application model and they are initially defined prior to model initialisation (we use scenario-dependent demand levels generated by top-down models, which take account of predicted climatic, population, economic and environmental changes). Besides initial values for demands and capitals, functions, increments or absolute values can be provided to define dynamical changes throughout the simulation.

Urban land uses are not considered in CRAFTY, and so we do not include any quantification of demand for housing or other urban or industrial developments. Instead, we assume that demand for urban areas will always be met.

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