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Bumsuk Seo edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 15 revisions

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[ CRAFTY : Competitiveness ]{#title-text} {#title-heading .pagetitle}


::: {#content .view} ::: {.page-metadata} Created by [ Dave Murray-Rust]{.author}, last modified by [ Sascha Holzhauer]{.editor} on Oct 21, 2014 :::

::: {#main-content .wiki-content .group} Overview {#Competitiveness-Overview}

Competitiveness is designed to capture the idea of the value which society places on an agent's output. As such, it could be seen as equivalent to money or utility. In general, it is based on demand and supply (or residual demand) and productivity, but the way this is managed can have strong implications for model behaviour

As demand can be modelled at Region{.createlink}al and Cell{.createlink} levels, so can competitiveness be calculated.

Computation {#Competitiveness-Computation}


Implementations {#Competitiveness-Implementations}

Current implementations are:

::: {.pageSection .group} ::: {.pageSectionHeader} Attachments: {#attachments .pageSectionTitle}


::: {.greybox align="left"} {width="8" height="8"} Processes_Competitiveness.svg (image/svg+xml)
{width="8" height="8"} Processes_Competitiveness.png (image/png)
::: ::: ::: :::

::: {#footer role="contentinfo"} ::: {.section .footer-body} Document generated by Confluence on Jan 02, 2019 10:28

::: {#footer-logo} Atlassian ::: ::: ::: :::

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