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The first step is to import all libraries. pubchempy is a package from PubChem Database, where we can access all entries within python API in an automated manner. pybatchclassyfire is used to annotate SMILES with a chemical class.
import pandas as pd
import pubchempy as pcp
import numpy as np
import os
import glob
import re
from pybatchclassyfire import *
import time
import csv
import openpyxl
import statistics
import sys
import json
from pandas import json_normalize
A function called isNaN() is defined to check if any input (here called variable) is a string or not.
def isNaN(string):
return string != string
Since the Suspect List curation highly relies on RDKit, we import different RDKit modules. RDKit is a python cheminformatics toolkit
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit import DataStructs
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS
from rdkit.Chem import PandasTools
Read the SuspectList.
input_dir = "/opt/workdir/data"
sl = pd.read_csv(input_dir + "/SuspectList.csv")
If SMILES are correct and we need to check every other column, whether it was correct or not, it is important that PubChem has that compound in its database.
- Read the Suspect list;
- remove entries with NO SMILES
- Check whether the names vs SMILES are correct or should I add new names;
- also check synonyms, iupac names, inchi, molecular weight, molecular formula, and CID for every check even the ones made later.
- Add this information into the original suspect list based on their index.
- Some SMILES are not correct or are isomeric and hence pubchempy cannot identify them. Use rdkit to convert isomeric to canonical smiles; some smiles still have wrong syntax hence we can check them at the end (save these). After conversion to non isomeric smiles, extract information for these smiles from pubchempy.
- Remove the entries for which PubChemPy still gave error or there was no compound at all. Add this point 5 information into the original suspect list based on their index.(also add a column for these non-isomeric smiles just for future reference) (also convert the list of synonyms as string)
Take all entries that don’t have SMILES; remove empty names or unknown names. Add structural information to the names For those with more CIDS→ check manually and add non-isomeric smiles. For those with wrong names, check their names and add information manually. Some names will still not in be in PubChem Earlier for compounds with wrong SMILES, use their names to add correct smiles. Repeat from above steps 2, 3, 4, 5. Add all of this information to the original suspect list!
Following are the lists: unknown names, empty names, canonical smiles with no PubChem id, Wrong names part 1, 2 and 3. Check all of them manually → link Add index and their CIDs and add that information to the suspect list. While extracting the index that had incomplete information and stored into another small list.
Add information on their classification using NPClassifier API. For error ones check and change the index of the NPClassifier file. Add monoisotopic masses since you changed them earlier; and name the numeric mass as molecular mass column. Create one for Saskia, removing unwanted columns, rearranging them and removing more duplicates.
Initial Suspect List contained compounds from KEGG, PubChem, MetaCyc, and BRENDAenzyme, LOTUS, CMNPD and Literature. The metadata included names, molecular formula, Species names, SMILES, InChI, Monoisotopic mass, different database IDs, and Sources/ References. For the curation, the structural information from each entry is validated using RdKit and additional metadata is added via pubchempy.
First, entries with chemical structure notation such as SMILES were checked for the correct metadata using pubchempy. The additional metadata added includes: IUPAC names, and syonyms. Another column indicates what curation has been done for each entry. This initial step resulted in three types of entries, one with correct metadata and names, second with incorrect name and metadata, and third for which pubchempy returns error. The second type of entries were replaced with correct names and metdata. To handle the third type, the isomeric smiles were converted to canonical smiles uisng RdKit and then the metadata was added, but some entries had wrong or non-standardized SMILES syntax which caused the error for pubchempy. Data with wrong SMILES syntax were discarded. Some correct syntax SMILES had no record in PubChem. Such SMILES were kekulized and checked in PubChem with metadata.
For entries with names and other metadata but no structure notation, the names were searched in PubChem for isomeric SMILES and other missing metadata. Some enteries had non-conventional names such as Disccharide or 18:1 fatty alcohol. The names were manually checked and changed to conventional names of the compound. for others such as 18:1 fatty alochol, there was not much information to find the right name or strcuture. Such entries were also discarded. For some earlier entries with wrong or non-standardized SMILES syntax, the names were used to extract compounds from PubChem.
Lastly, the SMILES were checked again for syntax errors or invalid chemistry by RdKit and the duplicates were removed. The final list contains 903 entries with the following columns: Name, Formula, Species, SMILES, InChI, Monoisotopic_mass, PubChemId, source_database, Source, nonIsomeric_SMILES_byRDKit, iupac, synonyms, PubChemPY, correct_Name, Molecular mass, subclass, class', 'superclass.