A set of scripts to record, organize and transcribe data along with finding keyword occurencies.
A script auto-adjusting for current noise level, then recording anything that is above that level to .wav files. Auto-slices the files in 40-second chunks (adjustable, of course) so that wit.ai will be able to process them.
Transcribes a folder full o' audiofiles and finds occurencies of words from a text file. Useful for analysing sentiment, for example.
A small script using files_args.py to transcribe the current date folder. May be run, for example, daily.
speech_recognition and tqdm need to be installed.
(optional) files_args.py [-h] [-w WORDS] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-t THREADS] [-k WIT_KEY] folder (can be used as a script utility)
folder folder to scan/use
-w WORDS, --words WORDS - word text file location
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE - text file to output things
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS - number of threads to use; default is 8
-k WIT_KEY, --wit_key WIT_KEY - your wit.ai key (a default sure is added, but huh)