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[DEPRECATED] This package will not updated. I recommend Appcelerator official Package for developing titanium on Atom.

All-in-One package for Titanium Alloy

This is a Atom package for Titanium Alloy

$ apm install titanium-alloy

Conflict & Requires Notice

  • Alloy 1.8.x setting
  • Requires
    • Hyperclick package for Jump to definition
      (Now It will be installed automatically. After relaunch atom, Hyperclick works. Thanks @HazemKhaled #16)
  • Conflict
    • If you using other tss grammar package, such as language-tss. It makes this package doesn't work.




  • Titanium properties
    • such as 'Ti.UI.SIZE', true, 'black', Ti.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER.
  • id and class name
    • based on current controller's tss and app.tss.
  • module name
    • all of controller/widget/model name on XML and JS
    • on XML : After <Require src=', you can see the suggestions.
    • on JS : After Alloy.create[Controller|Widget|Model], you can see the suggestions.
  • Image path
    • image path in app/assets/images directory.
    • When you type '/i', you can see the suggestions.
  • i18n
    • i18n key base on app/i18n/{language}/strings.xml
    • After L(', you can see the suggestions

Jump to definition

This feature is a hyperclick provider.

  • Jump to tss definition from xml [class|id|tag] name
  • Jump to event handler definition from xml onEventName property
  • Jump to i18n key definition from [js|tss] file.
  • If not exists, Generate a code based on template.
    • Now, you can change template on ~/.atom/config.cson. (#42 Thanks @ DouglasHennrich)

Hyperclick is triggered by two events:

  • <cmd> or <cmd-mousemove> underlines clickable text under the mouse.
  • <cmd-mousedown> performs the action associated with the clickable text.
  • <cmd-alt-enter> performs the action on the text under the cursor.


Open related file depend on current focused file

Key Bindings Command Desc
ctrl-alt-a Toggle(open or close) relative files. When close, current file is remained.
ctrl-alt-shift-a Close all relative files. Current file is closed also.
ctrl-alt-v Open view
ctrl-alt-s Open style
ctrl-alt-c Open controller

On package setting, there is an option to change layout of "Open All related files" command. (2 columns or 3columns)

TSS Sytax Highlight

refer to language-css and language-json, language-tss
This hightlight use css color your current theme. So tss file looks like css file.


See snippets/tialloy.cson


Release note

See github repo release page.


  • Any issue, sugestion, PR makes me happy.
