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We will change the world by blockchain.

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YGGDRASH is a trust-based multi-dimensional blockchains (branches) built with a vision to “Digitize everything into reality” and to connect everything and any blockchain networks.

Table of Contents


Learn more by reading the yggdrash technical document and full documentation, visit wiki


This is the implementation written in Java and runs on Linux, OSX and Windows.


Yggdrash requires JAVA 1.8+ compiler to build. To install Java, follow this link.

JDK Version sourceCompatibility Build Run
12.ea.31-open 12
11.0.2-zulu 11
11.0.2-open 11
10.0.2-open 10
9.0.4-open 9
8.0.202-zulu 1.8 (recommended)
8.0.201-oracle 1.8

Getting the Source

Clone the yggdrash repo:

git clone
cd yggdrash

If you are unfamiliar with Git, Download ZIP (source code)

Running Locally

To run the cloned repository in the spring default profile, simply run:


To run the multiple nodes in IntelliJ IDE, edit the run configuration:


Running on Docker

You can fully dockerize the yggdrash node. For more information refer to docker.

Docker is one quick way for running an yggdrash node:

docker run --rm -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local,master,gateway -p 8080:8080 -v $HOME/.yggdrash:/.yggdrash yggdrash/yggdrash-node

Yggdrash node binds to localhost using 8080 for the RESTful API & JSON RPC, and 32918 for the gRPC by default.

You can also use other ports by providing options like -p 8081:8080

The Dockerfile is designed to build automatically the last release of the source code and will publish docker images to dockerhub by release, feel free to fork and build Dockerfile for your own purpose.

Building for Production

To optimize the yggdrash application for production, run:

./gradlew -PspringProfiles=prod clean build

To ensure everything worked, run:


To find out usages of all command line options:

  • Environment property to specify which profiles are active
    • env: local(default), dev(for test), prod(docker default), debug(for debug logging)
    • role: bootstrap(node discovery bootstrap node), master(block proposer for test), gateway(restful api)
  • --server.address=value JSON RPC & RESTful API services listening address (default: localhost)
  • --server.port=value JSON RPC & RESTful API services listening port (default: 8080)
  • gRPC service listening address (default: localhost)
  • --yggdrash.node.grpc.port=value gRPC service listening port (default: 32918)
  • --yggdrash.node.max-peers=value maximum number of P2P network peers (default: 25)

Running Tests

To launch yggdrash's tests, run:

./gradlew test

This command would run the integration tests without gradle task caching:

./gradlew test -PspringProfiles=ci --rerun-tasks


Once yggdrash node started, the blocks can be shown in your browser. e.g. http://localhost:8080/blocks

Using Docker to Simplify Development (optional)

You can use docker to improve yggdrash development experience. A number of docker-compose configuration are available in the docker folder to launch with third party services.

For example, to start the multiple nodes in a docker container, run:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

To stop it and remove the container, run:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down

Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (optional)

Yggdrash should support the following CI systems out of the box:

  • Jenkins: Setting up Jenkins
docker-compose -f docker/jenkins.yml up -d

To Configure CI for YGGDRASH Project in Jenkins, Use the Following Configuration:

* Project name: `Yggdrash`
* Source Code Management
    * Git Repository: ``
    * Branches to build: `*/master`
    * Additional Behaviours: `Wipe out repository & force clone`
* Build Triggers
    * Poll SCM / Schedule: `H/5 * * * *`
* Build
    * Invoke Gradle script / Use Gradle Wrapper / Tasks: `-PspringProfiles=prod clean build`
    * Execute Shell / Command:
        ./gradlew bootRun &
        sleep 30s
        kill $bootPid
* Post-build Actions
    * Publish JUnit test result report / Test Report XMLs: `build/test-results/*.xml`

What tasks/integrations in the Jenkins pipeline file :

  • Perform the build in a Docker container
  • Analyze code with Sonar
  • Build and publish a Docker image

Stay in Touch

Follow @yggdrash, @YggdrashNews and releases are announced via our Yggdrash Official on SNS also. Its team members on Yggdrash Website


The Yggdrash is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.