=== xunhu-alipay-payment-for-WooCommerce === Contributors: XunhuWeb Donate link: https://www.wpweixin.net/product/345.html Tags:weixin,alipay, alipaypay, wordpress plugin, payments, alipay payments, woocommerce Requires at least: 4.0 Stable tag: 1.0 Tested up to: 4.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
== Description == WooCommerce alipay payment gateway,Support alipay payment through scan QR code Support In-App Payment , Don't need alipay certification,Don't need the domain name registration.
= Features =
- Support alipay payment through scan QR code
- Support In-App Payment
- If payment completed,will automatically redirect to order recevied page
- Support pay again with pending orders
- Don't need alipay certification,Don't need the domain registration in china,Immediately opened the account.
- 50 yuan to withdrawal
- The next day to account
- Bound to personal alipay account
= GitHub: =
- Project url in GitHub: https://github.com/xunhuweb/xunhu-alipay-payment-for-WooCommerce
= Donation: =
- If this plugin really benefits you, give me a high praise, or recommend the plug-in to your friends
= Support Mail: =
- Mailbox: jeff@xunhuweb.com
= Features =
- WooCommerce支付宝插件个人版用于无法申请支付宝的个人用户使用
- 支持PC扫码支付
- 支持APP支付
- 无需开通即时到帐
- 50元可提现
- T+1到帐
- 收款账户为私人微信账户
== Installation ==
- Install WooCommerce plugin and configure your store (if you haven't done so already - http://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/).
- Install "xunhu-alipay-payment-for-WooCommerce" wordpress plugin just like any other Wordpress plugin.
- Activate.
- Regist your account in http://mp.wordpressopen.com/
- Bound to personal WeChat account
- bulid a new application get appid and key put in plugin
- If the main currency of your store is not Chinese Yuan, please also set the exchange rate so that alipay can convert the price to Chinese Yuan.
== Screenshots ==
- alipay settings page
- Checkout with option for alipay payment.
- Order pay screen, including QR code of alipay and payment amount.
- Pay screen in alipay
- alipay mobile Screenshots
== Remove plugin ==
- Deactivate plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Delete plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
- Q:我是个人用户能使用吗?A:可以,不需要签约,不需要备案,立即开通。
- Q:是即时到帐吗? A:不是,是T+1到帐,需要你手动提现,第二天10点左右到帐。
- Q:我是海外华人可以用吗? A:可以,只要你的个人微信绑定了银行卡就可以。
- More questions please send a message to Jeff@xunhuweb.com consulting
== Upgrade Notice ==
- Updated once a month
== Changelog == = 1.0 =
- [Added] Initial Version.