Pelican theme ported from Wordpress. Check it out here:
In order to correctly use this theme you will need this variables in your pelican
AUTHOR = u'Your Name' SITENAME = u"Your site name" SITEURL = 'blog' TIMEZONE = "Europe/Madrid" #Navigation sections and relative URL: SECTIONS = [('Blog', 'index.html'), ('Archive', 'archives.html'), ('Tags', 'tags.html'), ('Projects', 'pages/projects.html'), ('About', 'pages/about-me.html')] DEFAULT_CATEGORY = 'Uncategorized' DATE_FORMAT = { 'en': '%d %m %Y' } DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = '%d %m %Y' DISQUS_SITENAME = "your_disqus_user" TWITTER_USERNAME = 'your_twitter_user_without @' LINKEDIN_URL = '' GITHUB_URL = '' PDF_GENERATOR = False REVERSE_CATEGORY_ORDER = True LOCALE = "" DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 FEED_RSS = 'feeds/all.rss.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_RSS = 'feeds/%s.rss.xml' OUTPUT_PATH = 'output' GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT = 'UA-00000000-1' PIWIK_URL = '' PIWIK_SSL_URL = '' PIWIK_SITE_ID = '1' MAIL_USERNAME = 'your_user' MAIL_HOST = '' # static paths will be copied under the same name STATIC_PATHS = ["images"] # A list of files to copy from the source to the destination #FILES_TO_COPY = (('extra/robots.txt', 'robots.txt'),)