This source code is part of the Packet Classification Repository (PCR) from
Based on (*/ the site went down about 10 years ago,
This repository contain the source code described at "Packet Classification for Core Routers: Is there an alternative to CAMs?" (,
Published by: Florin Baboescu, Sumeet Singh, George Varghese
./abv.c - ABV (Aggregated Bit Vector) by Florin Baboescu
./DCuts5/ - Dynamic cuttings version 5.0 by BabyQi
./HiCuts3/ - Add more criteria for cuttings 3.0 by BabyQi
./hsm/ - Network Security Lab, RIIT, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 0.99 by Xubo
./rfc/ - Network Security Lab, RIIT, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 0.99 by Xubo
./trie.c - EGT-PC (Extended Grid of Tries with Path Compression) by Sumeet Singh