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title author date headerl headerr footerl title-slide-background-image toc-slide-background-image level1-slide-background-image level2-slide-background-image level3-slide-background-image background-size toc-depth
Markdown RevealJS
<img src="$reporoot-url$/images/me.png" style="height:1.5em;">xieby1
<img src="$reporoot-url$/images/me.png" style="height:1.2em;">
↙️ by xieby1

Intro {data-stack-name="Intro"}

A Simple Easy Converter

Markdown ➡ Reveal.js

  • Based on Pandoc
  • Auto-generated TOC
  • Touch-device friendly
  • Header footer supported


This is converted to revealjs, see it here.

How it works

Bash script + Template file + Pandoc

It's simple and esay!

Installation {data-stack-name="Install"}


git clone


Install latest pandoc.

Note: Ubuntu 22's apt-installed pandoc is too old.

::: {.fragment} 👍That's it!

🎊You've installed markdown_revealjs! :::

Third (Optional)

Add to your PATH env.

ln -s <path/to>/ /usr/bin/
# or /usr/local/bin/, or ~/.local/bin/

Quick Start {data-stack-name="Quick Start"}

First Page

Add the metadata (title, author, date)

to top of your markdown file.

These info will become the first page of your slide.

% markdown_revealjs !
% xieby1
% 2022.06.24

Basic Syntax

syntax meaning
1st-level header New horizontal slide
2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th-level header New vertical slide


$ <>
# will generate input.html


It's simple and easy, right?

Themes {data-stack-name="Themes"}

Here are predefined themes (template),

just download the source markdown,

and []{style="font-size: 1.5em;"}!

Enjoy the themes below🎉




<iframe src="./themes/bosc/index.html" style="width:800px; height: 450px;"></iframe>



<iframe src="./themes/loongson/index.html" style="width:800px; height: 450px;"></iframe>



<iframe src="./themes/ict_mtrc_proposal/index.html" style="width:800px; height: 450px;"></iframe>



<iframe src="./themes/ucas_ict_thesis/index.html" style="width:800px; height: 450px;"></iframe>

Advanced Syntax {data-name="Advanced Syntax ..."}

Sorted in alphabet.


All elements

in Reveal.JS

are centered

by default.


Left Alignment

:::{style="display:inline-block; text-align:left;"} If you prefer to left align

all children elements.

Add these styles

to the parent element.


:::{style="display:inline-block; text-align:left;"}
things here are all

left aligned




Did you notice that every page has a default background?

Default Backgrounds

Set default backgrounds in yml front matter, like

title-slide-background-image: <URL>
toc-slide-background-image: <URL>
level1-slide-background-image: <URL>
level2-slide-background-image: <URL>
level3-slide-background-image: <URL>
background-size: <CSS background-size>

Per-Slide Backgrounds {data-background-color="LightPink"}

Set per-slide background, like

# Per-Slide Backgrounds {data-background-color="LightPink"}

More info about background see:


Multi Lines

::: {.fragment}

::: {.fragment}
Your content here


One Line

[It's in one line!]{.fragment} [🐱]{.fragment} [🐶]{.fragment} [🐹]{.fragment}


[It's in one line!]{.fragment}


Headings and slides

Normally, each level of heading will start a new slide.

Heading not start a new slide

If you want a heading that doesn a new slide, like this

Level-3 Heading!

Just use html heading!

<h3>Level-3 Heading!</h3>

Force starting a new slide

If you want to start a new slide without headings.

Just use the markdown horizontal break ---, like this

Force starting a new slide!

Include Files

include files normally


More details:

include files in code block

``` {include="./helloworld.c"}

More details:

example: Chart.js

::: {.container} :::: {.col}

include a chart.js plot

``` {.include}

:::: :::: {.col}


:::: :::


::: {.container} :::: {.col}

include a plot

``` {.include}

:::: :::: {.col}


:::: :::

Label and Link {#label_and_link}

You can label a slide by adding a name to its heading

# Label and Link {#label_and_link}


Then you can go back to the labeled slide ⬆️ Label and Link⬆️ .

[Label and Link](#label_and_link)

Localization (Offline mode)

markdown_revealjs can be used completely offline!

Download this repo

# download by git
git clone
# or download the source code without .git
tar xzf master.tar.gz

Run against local repo

Assuming the path to the local repo is <REPO>


Then you can view your slides completely offline!

Long Table

Bother by long table?

::: {.fragment} Then use wrap your long table

with [.longtable]{style="font-size:1.5em;"} like below

::: {.longtable style="height: 300px;"}
<your long table here>



::: {.longtable style="height: 500px;"}

This is a long vertical table
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 2 3 4 5 6
3 2 3 4 5 6
4 2 3 4 5 6
5 2 3 4 5 6
6 2 3 4 5 6
7 2 3 4 5 6
8 2 3 4 5 6
9 2 3 4 5 6
10 2 3 4 5 6
11 2 3 4 5 6
12 2 3 4 5 6
13 2 3 4 5 6
14 2 3 4 5 6
15 2 3 4 5 6
16 2 3 4 5 6
17 2 3 4 5 6
18 2 3 4 5 6
19 2 3 4 5 6
20 2 3 4 5 6


Write latex math equation like this

F = G \frac{m_1 \times m_2}{R^2}

$$ F = G \frac{m_1 \times m_2}{R^2} $$

Multiple columns

  • Pandoc Extension: fenced_divs
  • Builtin CSS class: container and col

Two-column Example

::: {.container} :::: {.col} It is two columns!

This is column 1 :::: :::: {.col} This is column 2

::: {.container}
:::: {.col}
Column 1
:::: {.col}
Column 2

:::: :::

You can add as many columns as possible.

Multiple-column Vertical Alignment (Top)

::: {.container style="align-items: flex-start;"} :::: {.col}


  • Default is center alignment
  • This is top alignment :::: :::: {.col}


Top alignment code:

::: {.container style="align-items: flex-start;"}
:::: {.col}
:::: {.col}

:::: :::

Multiple-column Vertical Alignment (Bottom)

::: {.container style="align-items: flex-end;"} :::: {.col}

  • Default is center alignment
  • This is bottom alignment


:::: :::: {.col} Top alignment code:
::: {.container style="align-items: flex-end;"}
:::: {.col}
:::: {.col}


:::: :::

Pandoc Options

Because markdown_revealjs is just

[a shell wrapper of pandoc]{style="font-size:1.5em;"}.

::: {.fragment} You can [override]{style="font-size:1.5em;"} them! :::

::: {.fragment style="font-size: 0.5em;"} See pandoc available options by pandoc -h :::

Metadata in .md file (lower priority)

Override in md file metadata, like

pandoc-opts: "<PANDOC OPTIONS>"


title: Markdown RevealJS
author: xieby1
date: 2022.06.10
pandoc-opts: "--toc=false"

CLI Options (higher priority)

Override by appending command, like <MD File> <PANDOC OPTIONS>

Example: --toc=false

Slide Number End

Slides after the specific slides

can be excluded from the total slide number.

Think about a situation where,

in your PhD defense,

there are several backup slides at the end.

You do not want them counted to the total slide number.


Add .slide-count-end to the heading of the slide,

# Heading {.slide-count-end}


In this README, .slide-count-end is added to slide [QnA].

Therefore, the slides after [QnA], like [Backup Slides]

are not counted to total slide number

TOC (resident)


some key TOC entries are resident at the top of the slides?

Two Types of Attributes {data-auto-animate=1}

  • Top slide without subsequent vertical slides
    • data-name="<TOC_Entry_Name>"
  • Top slide with subsequent vertical slides
    • data-stack-name="<TOC_Entry_Name>"
  • Example:

::: {.container} :::: {.col}

# H1 {data-name="h1"}

# H2 {data-stack-name="h2"}

## H2_1

:::: :::: {.col} :::: :::

Two Types of Attributes: details {data-auto-animate=1}

Hide Resident TOC {data-sminvisible=true}

Want to hide resident TOC in specific slides?

Add data-sminvisible=true to the slide heading, like

## Hide Resident TOC {data-sminvisible=true}


More Example

My 国科大计算所答辩 theme use resident TOC

<iframe src="./themes/ucas_ict_thesis.html" style="width:800px; height: 450px;"></iframe>

Want to know more?

Resident TOC is implemented based on revealjs plugin:


TOC (full)

TOC Depth

Default TOC depth is 2.

You can override it in yml front matter, like

toc-depth: 1

TOC Columns

The number of TOC columns is controlled by yml front matter:

  • toc-width for TOC width
  • toc-column-width for TOC's column width
  • toc-margin for TOC's margin

Therefore, by adjusting these two variable,

you can control how many TOC columns you have.

Default Values (3-column TOC)

  • Remember the default slide width is 1200px.
  • The default toc-column-width is 290px
  • The default toc-margin is 0 0 0 0
  • Thus a 3-column toc is presented.

1-column TOC

Here is an example of 1-column TOC

toc-width: 1200px
toc-column-width: unset
toc-margin: 0 400px

QnA {.slide-count-end}

  • Problems?
  • tips?
  • Advice?

New issue and pull request is welcome!

Backup Slides

Test the functionality of [Slide Number End].

From this slide on,

the total slide number ends counting.

Level-2 Backup Slides


Another Level-2 Backup Slides
