This is a prx to be used in unity home brew by devs who prefer c#
This project is a higly modified version of the orginal version by RetroGamer74
This version does way more than just escaping sandbox
Follow Development on Trello
List of functions
int FreeUnjail(int FWVersion);//e.g 505
void SetDebuggerTrue();//this prints a whole lot of notifications on the console
int FreeFTP();//starts an ftp server
int FreeMountUsb();
int FreeMount();
int GetPid();
int GetUid();
bool LoadExec(string path, string argv);//Luanch another application from our application
string GetCallableList();//debug function
string GetListOfServices()//debug funciton
string GetIDPS();//Gets IDPS of the console using machdep
string GetPSID();//Gets the PSID of the console
string GetKernelVersion();//gets the kernel version
string KernelGetOpenPsId();//gets the PSID there are to calls for some reason
int MountSaveData(string TITLEID,string fingerprint);//mounts a selected
int UnMountSaveData();//required to unmount savedata if you dont unmount it will cause an app crash
int SendMessageToPS4(string Message);//Send a notification to the ps4
string GetUsername();//username of the current user
string GetUserId();//gets the userid of the current urser
int UnlockTrophies(string NPComID);//unlock a trophy with its np comid
int Change_Controller_Color(int r,int g,int b);//change controlor color to whatever you want
int TakeScreenShot();//saves it to /data/screenshot.png not quite sure why you would need this