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xHelixStorm edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 1 revision


Token: create a new Bot user on official discord page under After generating a Token, you can add it right beneath the empty Token field. After that, the Bot will be able to start up.

Admin: Insert your own user id so that the Bot can identify yourself as an administrator allowing you to use all commands. Enable the Developer mode on Discord under your User settings under Appearance to see the user ids by right clicking on a discord user.

NameFilter: Enable or disable with true or false this feature to compare names with a filter for bad words and then rename.

ActionLog: Allows the Bot to write database logs to collect information of users being warned, kicked, banned or renamed. Especially used to display the name of who warned, kicked, banned a user.

CommandPrefix: Insert your desired prefix to trigger all available commands. Default is H!

TempDirectory: In this path temporary files will be created for example to delay the reuse of commands or to allow command chains. If the given folder under that selected path doesn't exist, it will automatically create the folder.

GameMessage: Shows a short text under the Bot as what it's currently playing.


PrivatePatchNotes: Displays hidden patch notes into the log channel after a change has been done and the version in the STATIC class is different than the one in the version.azr file. Can be enabled or disabled with true or false.

PublicPatchNotes: Displays public patch notes into the bot channel after a change has been done and the version in the STATIC class is different than the one in the version.azr file. Can be enabled or disabled with true or false.


JoinMessage: Allow or prohibit the bot to write a message into the log channel with true or false everytime a user joins the server.

LeaveMessage: Allow or prohibit the bot to write a message into the log channel with true or false everytime a user leaves the server. With exception when a user is muted and tries to leave and rejoin.

ChannelLog: Allow or prohibit the bot with true or false to log every written message into txt files that will be named the same as the channel.

CacheLog: Allow or prohibit the bot with true or false to write every submitted message on a channel into the Bot cache. The only use for that is when a moderator or administrator removes a message from a different user that will be displayed into the trash channel. The requirement to use this command is for the ChannelLog to be enabled.


Pastebin is optional and can be currently used to upload filters through a Bot command

Key: After creating an account on Pastebin, you will receive your private Pastebin key for the usage of the Pastebin API.

Username: Login name for Pastebin

Password: Password for Pastebin


Login details to three different databases, that should be created beforehand on MySQL, with the given names within the brackets. If password is set to null, it will mean that you won't use a password to login. In the example above shows the user root that will perform a login without a password. Meant for databases with auto login.


Use Thumbnails to give Embed messages more life. Like this for example:


Decide with true or false which commands are allowed to be used by everyone. Disabled commands won't be displayed while using H!commands (note that I just used the default prefix).

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