A process protector for all Windows 64-bit systems. It can protect specified processes from being debugged, having their memory read or written, and from injection or other malicious operations.
The core of this project operates at the driver level. In the user level the process to be protected can execute the CPUID instruction (along with specific registers) to be added to the protected process list.
Tested successfully on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
This version is compatible with various systems by automatically calculating offsets. The compiled driver for Windows 7 is provided; for other platforms, simply switch the target system in the WDK to generate the driver.
Note that on Windows 7, kernel isolation must be disabled first, otherwise it will prevent correct SSDT table location, leading to a BSOD!
Here shows the Test results for windows7 and windows 10: https://youtu.be/34lFVAiYfCA