Arduino (NodeMCU ESP-12E module) code for the sensors API
- BME280 (temperature, pressure, humidity)
- HTU21DF (temperature & humidity; but more accurate than the BME280)
- TSL2561 (illuminance; full spectrum, ir spectrum & visible spectrum)
When browsing to the IP of the module you will see a similar output as below.
"illuminance": {
"visible": 905,
"full": 1255,
"ir": 347
"temperature": 24.51,
"humidity": 37.49,
"pressure": 1027.82
But there's also other routes to fetch raw values separately & disable / enable the LED.
GET /illuminance/full
GET /illuminance/visible
GET /illuminance/ir
GET /temperature
GET /humidity
GET /pressure
POST /led
// body payload: enabled: 0 | 1