Distribute heavy loads on/to replicas in Postgresql, asyncronously, using DB Links.
Why not? :-D
P.O.C. on dblinks ;-)
Well, and more importantly, distributed and asyncronous tasks in PG
Partition the big bad table in a way so that every replica (and the master, if you want/as in this case) has its own partition.
Let every replica do the operation on its own oart fo the data, as indicated in the pgmapreduce.mapping
Of course, this does not make sense in docker, specially since it runs on the same (local) machine...
But in a distributed env, and with millions or rows and some replicas, it gets more interesting.
And of course, calculating the average is just a "whatever task". More useful things could be done.
IMPORTANT: use of this code in business context is strictly forbidden unless with explicit consent.
$ ./stack_start.sh
$ psql -Uwiwwo -p5445 -hlocalhost postgres
Password for user wiwwo: wiwwo123
=# \i INIT.sql
$ psql -Upgmapreduce -p5445 -hlocalhost postgres
Password for user pgmapreduce: pgmapreduce123
=> select pgmapreduce.calculate_avg();
$ psql -Upgmapreduce -p5445 -hlocalhost postgres
Password for user pgmapreduce: pgmapreduce123
=> select * from dblink.dblink_connect ('dbl_pg_red', 'pg_red');
=> select * from dblink.dblink_connect ('dbl_pg_green', 'pg_green');
=> select * from dblink.dblink_connect ('dbl_pg_blue', 'pg_blue');
=> select * from dblink.dblink_send_query ('dbl_pg_red', 'select pgmapreduce.gimme_avg(''pg_red'')');
=> select * from dblink.dblink_send_query ('dbl_pg_green', 'select pgmapreduce.gimme_avg(''pg_green'')');
=> select * from dblink.dblink_send_query ('dbl_pg_blue', 'select pgmapreduce.gimme_avg(''pg_blue'')');
=> select * from dblink.dblink_get_result ('dbl_pg_red') as avg_pg_red (avg float);
=> select * from dblink.dblink_get_result ('dbl_pg_green') as avg_pg_green (avg float);
=> select * from dblink.dblink_get_result ('dbl_pg_blue') as avg_pg_blue (avg float);
=> exit
$ ./cleanup.sh
Script - PostgreSQL multiple async parallel execution in PL/pgSQL