JPROXY is otherwise known as PROXY REMOTEWEBSERVER P.L and it is invented by wilmix jemin in Jdollar P.L.
JPROXY is meant for accessing webpages without internet.
In Today Scenario if you publish any webpages using webserver or cloudserver
companies had to spent cost for the internet.
so JPROXY is focused , here you had to use only router with JPROXY Server.
So What will happen ?
now you shutdown the internet connection...
and run JPROXY SERVER program.
and configure the firefox or google browser port
and enter the port no.
and now you use JPROXY Port in mobile and
browse the JPROXY url using WEMULATOR
you can access the url without internet ..
public class abc
public void main( ) throws {
JPROXY.println($HTML.serverurlcontents("http://localhost:8091/doc.csharp"));//retrieve the contents of RDOTNET url doc.csharp and print it in webpage.
let RDOTNET remote port is 8090
and proxy port is 80
and now follow the steps as above i said and
now see the url in emulator you see the mirror image of
http://localhost:8091/doc.csharp url with it's contents.