I started learning ReactJS to learn core concepts I developed a basic counter app by following a basic crash course on ReactJS by a channel "Programming by Mosh" link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke90Tje7VS0
- App GIF Demo
I highly recommend this tutorial if you are new to ReactJS to learn all-important core concepts do follow this tutorial and build the application.
In this tutorial, I learned the following concepts and built a basic application as shown in this video to practice on concepts.
- What is React
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Components
- First React Component
- Specifying Children
- Embedding Expressions
- Setting Attributes
- Rendering Classes Dynamically
- Conditional Rendering
- Handling Events
- Binding Event Handlers
- Updating the State
- What Happens When State Changes
- Passing Event Arguments
- Composing Components
- Passing Data to Components
- Passing Children
- Debugging React Apps
- Props vs State
- Raising and Handling Events
- Updating the State
- Single Source of Truth
- Removing the Local State
- Multiple Components in Sync
- Lifting the State Up
- Stateless Functional Components
- Destructuring Arguments
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Mounting Phase
- Updating Phase
- Unmounting Phase