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The Virtual Washington ARTCC Information Display System is intended to simplify controlling the local and terminal environment.

Environment Variables

Use the .env.example file as a reference.

Environment Variables (all are required):

  • DEV_MODE: If set to true, disables the VATUSA roster check and grants access to all pages regardless of rating.
  • DATABASE_URL: URL for the database. Example: postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/ids-db
  • NEXTAUTH_URL: URL to specify where VATSIM should redirect users after a successful login. This should just be the url without anything after .com .org etc. Example:
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET: Secret key to encrypt tokens, this can be anything (hopefully secure). Example: anything
  • VATSIM_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for VATSIM Connect.
  • VATSIM_CLIENT_SECRET: Client Secret for VATSIM Connect.
  • VATSIM_OAUTH_ENDPOINT: When the VATSIM endpoint is located. ( for development OR for production)
  • VATUSA_FACILITY: Name of the facility the IDS should check logged-in users against. Example: ZDC
  • WEATHER_BRIEFING_VIDEO_LINK: Link to the FAA Pre-Duty Weather Briefing Video for your ARTCC. Example:

Configuring Facilities

Navigate to the facilities directory to see all the ATCTs and TRACONS.

Facilities are seperated by TRACONs and ATCTs. ATCTs are connected to TRACONs through major and minor fields.

Reference the PCT TRACON and the IAD ATCT as examples on how to configure all of your fields and TRACONS.

Once a TRACON has been configured correctly, add it to the IDS_TRACON_FACILITIES array in facility/facilities.ts file. Once an ATCT has been configured correctly, add it to the IDS_ATCT_FACILITIES array in facility/facilities.ts file.


You must re-seed the database if you make any changes to the configuration files. Unless you are in the development environment, make sure you delete any data in the database or else the seed API will not work.

Docker Compose (Development)

Build the docker image (if you change the tag name, make sure to update it in the docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml file):

docker build -t ids .

Navigate to the docker-compose directory and create a .env.local file. Configure the environment variables for the IDS docker image based on .env.example.


Do not modify the DATABASE_URL and the NEXTAUTH_URL variables!


Make sure the redirect URI for VATSIM OAuth2 is set to http://localhost/api/auth/callback/vatsim unless you changed the port in the environment variables.

Run the docker-compose.yaml file:

docker-compose up

Make sure to seed the database by accessing http://localhost/api/seed.


You need to do this everytime a new docker-compose instance is created since all data is wiped on shutdown.

Development Setup


  • Node v18 or later
  • NPM 9.6 or later
  • EMPTY Relational Database (preferably Postgres)
  • VATSIM Connect Keys (Development or Production) (redirect url should be {NEXTAUTH_URL}/api/auth/callback/vatsim replace NEXTAUTH_URL with the actual url in the environment variables)


Clone this repository:

git clone vzdc_ids

Change directories:

cd vzdc_ids

Install dependencies:

npm i

In the root of the project, create a file called .env.local and configure your environment variables.

Migrate the database:

npm run db:deploy

Generate the Prisma Client:

npx prisma generate

Development Server

Run the development server:

npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/api/seed

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and enjoy!


Build the project:

npm run build

Start the production server:


Make sure environment variables on the server are configured correctly

npm run start

Seed the database (/api/seed) on your production URL.


After configuring facilities correctly, run the docker build command:

docker build -t ids .

Run the image with the environment variables:

docker run -p 80:80 --env-file <YOUR .env.local FILE> ids


The container will run on port 80, unlike the development server.

Developed by the vZDC ARTCC Web Team.