A repository of almost all Data Structures and Algorithm in different programming languages.
Contributors | Additions | Deletions | Commits | Score |
Shubh-1-am |
12979 | 6492 | 106 | 26175 |
vikram-kangotra |
3953 | 1126 | 218 | 6641 |
Itz-Verma |
5153 | 554 | 93 | 6447 |
Score = Additions + 2 * (Deletions + Commits)
- Binary Search
- Linear Search
- Depth First Search
- Breadth First Search
- Rabin-Karp Algorithm
- Z Algorithm
- Sorting
- Insertion Sort
- Heap Sort
- Selection Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Counting Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Radix Sort
- Shell Sort
- Comb Sort
- Pigeonhole Sort
- Cycle Sort
- Graph
- Kruskal's Algo
- Dijkstra's Algo
- Bellman Ford Algo
- Floyd Warshall Algo
- Topological Sort Algo
- Flood Fill Algo
- Lee Algo
- Prim's Algo
- Boruvka's Algo
- Johnson's Algo
- Kosaraju's Algo
- Tarjan's Algo
- Arrays
- Kadane's Algo
- Floyd's Cycle Detection Algo
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algo (KMP)
- Quick Select Algo
- Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algo
- Others
- Huffman Coding Compression Algo
- Euclid's Algo
- Union Find Algo
- Manacher's Algo
- Eukerian Path (Hierholzer's Algo)
- Jarvis's Algo
- Graham Scan
- Convex Hull using Divide and Conquer Algo
- Quickhull Algo
- Mo's Algo
- Line Sweep Algo
- Disjoint-set Data Structure
- Ackermann Function
- Zobrist Hashing
- FM-index
- Circular buffer
- Hungarian Algo
- Dekker's Algo
- Winged Edge
- Burrows-Wheeler Transform
- Zipper
- Five Balltree Construction Algo
- Cuckoo Hashing
- Arrays
- Array
- Bit array
- Bit field
- Bitboard
- Bitmap
- Circular buffer
- Control table
- Image
- Dope vector
- Dynamic array
- Gap buffer
- Hashed array tree
- Lookup table
- Matrix
- Parallel array
- Sorted array
- Sparse array
- Iliffe vector
- Variable-length array
- Lists
- Doubly linked list
- Array list
- Linked list
- Association list
- Self-organizing list
- Skip list
- Unrolled Linked list
- VList
- Conc-tree list
- Xor linked list
- Zipper
- Doubly Connected edge list
- Difference list
- Free list
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- AA tree
- AVL tree
- Binary Seach tree
- Binary tree
- Cartesian tree
- Conc-tree list
- Left-child right-sibling binary tree
- Order statistic tree
- Pagoda
- Randomized binary search tree
- Red-black tree
- Rope
- Scapegoat tree
- Self balancing binary search tree
- Splay tree
- T-tree
- Tango tree
- Threaded binary tree
- Top tree
- Treap
- WAVL tree
- Weight-balanced tree
- B-Trees
- B tree
- B+ tree
- B* tree
- Dancing tree
- 2-3 tree
- 2-3-4 tree
- Queap
- Fusion tree
- BX-tree
- Heaps
- Heap
- Binary Heap
- B-heap
- Weak heap
- Binomial heap
- AF-heap
- Leonardo heap
- 2-3 heap
- Soft heap
- Pairing heap
- Leftist heap
- Treap
- Beap
- Skew heap
- Ternary heap
- D-ary heap
- Brodal queue
- Bit-slice trees
- Radix tree
- Suffix tree
- Suffix array
- Compressed suffix array
- FM-index
- Generalised suffis tree
- B-tree
- Judy array
- Trie
- X-fast trie
- Y-fast trie
- Merkle tree
- Multi-way trees
- Ternary tree
- K-ary tree
- And-or tree
- (a,b)-tree
- Link/Cut tree
- SPQR-tree
- Spaghetti stack
- Disjoint-set data structure
- Fusion tree
- Enfilade
- Exponential tree
- Fenwick tree
- Van Emde Boas tree
- Rose tree
- Space-partitioning trees
- Segment tree
- Interval tree
- Range tree
- Bin
- K-d tree
- Implicit k-d tree
- Min/max k-d tree
- Relaxed k-d tree
- Adaptive k-d tree
- Quadtree
- Octree
- Linear octree
- Z-order
- UB-tree
- R-tree
- R+ tree
- R* tree
- Hilbert R-tree
- X-tree
- Metric tree
- Cover tree
- VP-tree
- BK-tree
- Bounding interval hierarchy
- Bounding volume hierarchy
- BSP tree
- Rapidly exploring random tree
- Application-specific trees
- Abstract syntax tree
- Parse tree
- Decision tree
- Alternating decision tree
- Minimax tree
- Expectiminimax tree
- Finger tree
- Expression tree
- Log-structured merge-tree
- Binary Trees
- Hash-based structures
- Bloom Filter
- Count-min sketch
- Distributed hash table
- Double hashing
- Dynamic perfect hash table
- Hash array mapped trie
- Hash list
- Hash table
- Hash tree
- Hash trie
- Koorde
- Prefix hash tree
- Rolling hash
- MinHash
- Quotient Filter
- Ctrie
- Graphs
- Graph
- Adjacency list
- Adjacency matrix
- Graph-structured stack
- Scene graph
- Decision tree
- Binary decision diagram
- Zero-suppressed decision diagram
- And-inverter graph
- Directed graph
- Directed acyclic graph
- Propositional directed acyclic graph
- Multigraph
- Hypergraph
- Other
- Lightmap
- Winged edge
- Quad-edge
- Routing table
- Symbol table
- Piece table