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Easyclaim frontend

Easyclaim application UI is developed using Angular Js

To update the backend url

Update the file src/app/core/api.service.ts

Deploying Steps

Step 1 : Creating namespace

kubectl create namespace easyclaim

Step 2 : Deploying frontend container as deployment

kubectl apply -f frontend-deployment.yml

About different Jenkinsfiles in cicd folder

  • Jenkinsfile-capstone : Written for Devops professional capstone project
  • Jenkinsfile-nexus-docker-same-server : Push the docker images to Nexus Repository manager and deploy the docker container to the same server where jenkins was running
  • Jenkinsfile-nexus-docker-diffrent-server-using-ssh : Push the docker images to Nexus Repository manager and deploy the docker container to different server using ssh
  • Jenkinsfile-nexus-docker-diffrent-server-using-ssh_plugin : Push the docker images to Nexus Repository manager and deploy the docker container to different server using ssh_plugin

Backend Url hardcoded for Image tags

Generate load for testing Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while sleep 0.01; do wget -q -O- http://easyclaim-frontend:80; done"

easyclaim-frontend:80 --> Frontend Servicename and port