This is a Flutter plugin for the Vietmap Automotive SDK, which help you to integrate Vietmap turn by turn Navigation SDK into your Flutter app, included Android Auto and Apple CarPlay.
- Add the plugin to your
vietmap_automotive_flutter: ^0.0.2
- Import Android auto module to bottom of your
file (top level function). ReplaceVIETMAP_AUTOMOTIVE_FLUTTER_VERSION
with the latest version of the plugin.:
def relativePath = ""
settingsDir.eachDir { subDir ->
if( == "app"){
def pathComponents =settingsDir.absolutePath.split('/')
def rPath = ""
pathComponents.each { component ->
rPath += '../'
relativePath = rPath.substring(9, rPath.length())
include ':androidauto'
project(':androidauto').projectDir = file("${relativePath}.pub-cache/hosted/")
- Import Android auto module to your
(module app) file:
dependencies {
implementation project(':androidauto')
- Add below maven url to your
(project) andsetting.gradle
maven { url = uri("" ) }
Like this
- build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("" ) }
- setting.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("" ) }
- Add below permission to your
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
- Add the following metadata to the AndroidManifest.xml file of the
(Inside the application tag)
android:resource="@xml/automotive_app_desc" />
For test the app, please follow below document:
Vietmap Automotive Flutter has a number of features to send and receive envents from Flutter to Android Auto/Apple Carplay and vice-versa:
- Adding/removing Markers
- Adding/removing Polylines
- Adding/removing Polygons
- Support for receiving callbacks from VietmapGL on Flutter side
- Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml:
sdk: flutter
vietmap_automotive_flutter: <latest_version>
- Create an .env file in the root of your project and include the following variables:
The map is initialized using VietmapAutomotiveFlutter, with callbacks to handle various events:
Callback Parameter | Type | Usage |
onMapClick | void Function(double latitude,double longitude)? |
Receive latitude and longitude when user clicks on Android Auto, Apple Carplay surface |
onMapReady | void Function()? |
Called when the map is fully initialized |
onMapRendered | void Function()? |
Called after the map is rendered |
onMapStyleLoaded | void Function()? |
Called when the map style is successfully loaded |
Notes: Callbacks are optional to define, each of which are nullable
// Variable Initialization
late final VietmapAutomotiveFlutter _vietmapAutomotiveFlutterPlugin;
// Assigning instance and defining callbacks
_vietmapAutomotiveFlutterPlugin = VietmapAutomotiveFlutter(
onMapClick: (lat, lng) {
setState(() {
_location = LatLng(lat, lng);
onMapReady: () {
setState(() {
_isMapReady = true;
onMapRendered: () {
setState(() {
_isMapRendered = true;
onStyleLoaded: () {
setState(() {
_isStyleLoaded = true;
Method | Signature | Usage |
initAutomotive | Future<String?> initAutomotive({required String styleUrl, required String vietMapAPIKey}); |
Initializes the map with a specified style URL and API key. |
addMarkers | Future<List<Marker>> addMarkers({required List<Marker> markers}); |
Adds markers to the map. |
removeMarker | Future<bool?> removeMarker({required List<int> markerIds}); |
Removes specified markers. |
removeAllMarkers | Future<bool?> removeAllMarkers(); |
Removes all markers from the map. |
addPolylines | Future<List<Polyline>> addPolylines({required List<Polyline> polylines}); |
Adds polylines to the map. |
removePolyline | Future<bool?> removePolyline({required List<int> polylineIds}); |
Removes specified polylines. |
removeAllPolylines | Future<bool?> removeAllPolylines(); |
Removes all polylines from the map. |
addPolygons | Future<List<Polygon>> addPolygons({required List<Polygon> polygons}); |
Adds polygons to the map. |
removePolygon | Future<bool?> removePolygon({required List<int> polygonIds}); |
Removes specified polygons. |
removeAllPolygons | Future<bool?> removeAllPolygons(); |
Removes all polygons from the map. |
For sample usage of each of the methods, please visit the example usage.
More information about the Vietmap Automotive SDK can be found at Vietmap Automotive SDK.