Added support for POSIX command line option behaviors
Options (short) start with a hyphen (-) and long options start with two hyphens (--)
Multiple short options can be grouped following a single hyphen
-a -b -c can also be written -abc or -bac, etc.
Option names are alpha numeric but long options may include hyphens
-v is valid, --ftest-coverage is valid
-# is not valid, --bad$option is not valid
Short options can be provided arguments with or without whitespace delimiters
-I /usr/local/include and -I/usr/local/include are equally valid
Long options can be provided arguments with whitespace or equal sign delimiters
--output test.txt and --output=test.txt are equivalent
Options and positional arguments can be interleaved
-- can be specified to treat all following arguments as positional arguments (i.e. not options)
Added option definition validation
Checks for malformed flags
Checks for duplicate flags
Added conversion functions for rest of fundamental integer types
Built in conversion functions now utilize strtol(), strtoll(), strtof(), and strtod()
Added char** argv overload of argagg::parser::parse()
Removed argagg::optional, options now either receive arguments or they don't
Added example derived from gengetopt documentation
Expanded unit test coverage to 98%
Added coveralls integration for code coverage reports
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