Testable and maintainable architecture with VIPER.
Just double-click on the main project file.
Please apply this step if you face some dependency problems in the first build.
- 🌱 Generic and Modular Network Layer
- 🌱 Animated Splash screen, internet connection checking
- 🌱 Home screen with sorting feature
- 🌱 Unit Tests
- 🌱 Some UI Tests
- 🌱 Base Components
- 🌱 Pagination
- 🌱 Debug and Client error management
- 🌱 Dark Mode color management
- 🌱 CollectionView with UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
- 🌱 Dependency management with Swift Package Manager
- 🌱 Consistency - Same approach whole codebase
- 🌱 Well organized folder structure
- 🌱 Style Guide: Raywenderlich
- 🌱 Powered by ❤️