Course Materials for Microservices on AWS O'Reilly Class That I teach.
Join me Tuesday, May 3, 2022!
This course serves as an introduction to running various services on AWS. We show how these "microservices" can be stitched together to make a working application. Going through this course will give you an idea of what a "Full Stack" developer does. You will be configuring services and writing code.
Our application is a simple photo album complete with object recognition.
Try it out:
Check out the Tech Stack to see the technologies that will be used through this course.
Our architecture looks as follows:
We use s3 static hosting with cloudfront, S3, and certificates.
When the browser downloads the application, it calls three different APIs: Cognito, S3, and our API Gateway.
We use the serverless project to create our API Gateway and Lambdas. We also use DynamoDB to store metadata.
Once images are uploaded, we can do object detection on them to find things inside of them. AI!