Public repository to share as example with VIDcredentials and/or VIDconnect integrators.
This demo covers most of the cases you could be interested to perform as issuer/verifier using VIDcredentials and/or VIDconnect. Checkout how this university interacts with these services:
VIDconnect Integration: ACME univerity uses VIDconnect to authenticate users. See the flow at the frontend between Home and Callback screens. The user is redirected to VIDconnect and this service gives back the code to obtain the token with user information. Afterwards, ACME university knows the did of the user at Profile. At this last page, the entity could validate this identifier towards its own databases and add any other necessary business logic.
VIDcredentials Integration: ACME univerity uses VIDcredentials to issue verifiable credentials (Student eCards). See frontend Profile page and how it delegates the request to the backend.
VIDcredentials Integration: ACME university uses VIDcredentials to request students verifiable presentations (Large Family cards and Bank credentials). See frontend Profile page and how it delegates the request to the backend.
This demo is part of this tutorial. Follow the steps and see the deployed version of the code in this repository at the last step of the tutorial when visiting ACME University Demo.