A set of example contracts exploring Neutron's interchain accounts/queries/txs.
You need Rust, Cargo & Go (1.20) in your path or if you have Nix with flakes setup, just run:
❯ : nix develop
This repo uses the xtask pattern.
Your point of entry:
❯ : cargo x
Usage: xtask <COMMAND>
dist compile contracts for distribution
start-local start a local neutron network instance (neutron + gaia + hermes + icq relayer)
clean-local-state clean local network state, resetting the chains
clean-local-all clean local network artifacts including built binaries and source file
test testing tasks
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
You have two options to deploy and run the contracts locally:
- Start a local network that stays up between deploy & execute runs:
// in one terminal
❯ : cargo x start-local
// in another terminal
❯ : cargo t <example-name> -- --no-capture
- Start a local network, deploy the contracts and run them all one at a time
❯ : cargo x test e2e
WARNING: The first time you start a local network it'll take some time to fetch and build the binaries, especially Hermes as it has far too many dependencies (>470).