PS : To develop AI/ML-based software to identify/analyze: 1. Location of hot spots. 2. The long-term occurrence of hot spots and changes.
ATHARVA : Autoregressive Trend analysis & Hypercritical Air pollution Ranging & Visualisation Application
We have developed ATHARVA which is a user friendly Web application that can be used by common people to gain the knowledge about hotspots of India and their changes.
Features in our application Atharva:
- District-wise plotting Heatmap for each pollutant analyzation and visualization
- Coordinate basis Hotspots and Coldspots detection
- Graphical Analysis of concentration of pollutants at each hotspot
- Filters available for querying various pollutants on the map for any week.
- Plotting shifts in HotSpots over a specific period of time
- Analyzing those shifts by plotting backward trajectories and verifying it using meteorological data.
- Two modes for visualization: Dark mode & Daylight
- NPM install
npm install
npm run clientinstall
- Install Postgres & Postgis using apt
- Create new user and database
- Switch to postgresql cli mode then, grant superuser privileges to your newly created user. (ALTER USER your_username WITH SUPERUSER;)
- Start postgres by running:
systemctl start postgresql
- Replace
with theuser
(name) created above in knexfile.js.
- Run knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run
npm run dev
- Fetched the sentinel-5p data
- Performed data mining and data preprocessing
- Plotted Hotspots district-wise using spatial auto-correlation
- Analysed the movement of Hotspots
- Plotted backward trajectory by using metrelogical data set
- Depicted the shifts in hotspot over a period of time .
- Sentinel-5P Pre-Operations Data Hub (data source)
- HARP (for fetching Sentinel5p data)
- PYSAL (for spatial relationship to detect hotspots, coldspots)
- ESDA (for exploratory analysis of spatial data)
- GEOPANDAAS (to work with geospatial data and geojson data)
- METEX (for determining trajectories through backtracking analysis of metreological data)
- NCEP/NCAR (data source for metreological data needed for trajectories)
- React,Node.js,Express.js,Postgis,PostgreSQL (for our Web Application)