This is the main project page for University of Padova 2022/23 Network Science course!
In the code; we described how to get data from twitter, how to process it and how to visualize in Python.
Also you can visualize your processed data in Gephi, an open-source platform for visualizing and manipulating large graphs, which you can find more visualization options in there!
Libraries we used:
- matplotlib for visualization,
- time and datetime for the search query we applied,
- networkx to enable network science analysis of the data,
- Pandas to display the dataframe easily.
To get the data from twitter, you need a twitter developer account.
With that account, you can have access to the last 7 days of tweets using this endpoint ->
To access more tweets and go back more than 7 days, you need Academic Research account. If you have, you can use the endpoint below to get the data ->
In the code, the endpoint is defaultly set to academic research version ->