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add transformer implementation in cinm
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ge0mk committed Sep 16, 2024
1 parent dcd57f8 commit 2a23a9d
Showing 1 changed file with 264 additions and 0 deletions.
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions cinnamon/samples/transformer.mlir
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
// transformer model for
// dim: 288
// hidden_dim: 768
// kv_dim: 288
// kv_mul: 1
// n_layers: 6
// n_heads: 6
// n_kv_heads: 6
// head_size: 48
// vocab_size: 32000
// seq_len: 256

func.func @forward(%token : index, %pos : index,
// state
%key_cache : tensor<6x256x288xf32>,
%value_cache : tensor<6x256x288xf32>,
// weights
%embedding_table : tensor<32000x288xf32>,
%rms_att_weights : tensor<6x288xf32>,
%wq : tensor<6x288x288xf32>,
%wk : tensor<6x288x288xf32>,
%wv : tensor<6x288x288xf32>,
%wo : tensor<6x288x288xf32>,
%w1 : tensor<6x768x288xf32>,
%w2 : tensor<6x288x768xf32>,
%w3 : tensor<6x768x288xf32>,
%rms_ffn_weights : tensor<6x288xf32>,
%rms_final_weight : tensor<288xf32>,
%wcls : tensor<32000x288xf32>
) -> (tensor<32000xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
%c48 = arith.constant 48 : index
%c288 = arith.constant 288 : index
%c768 = arith.constant 768 : index
%c0f = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
%c1f = arith.constant 1.0 : f32
%c48f = arith.constant 48.0 : f32
%c10000f = arith.constant 10000.0 : f32

%content_row = tensor.extract_slice %embedding_table [%token, 0] [1, 288] [1, 1] : tensor<32000x288xf32> to tensor<288xf32>

%x, %kc, %vc = scf.for %layer = %c0 to %c6 step %c1 iter_args(%x = %content_row, %kc = %key_cache, %vc = %value_cache) -> (tensor<288xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>) {
%rms_att_weight = tensor.extract_slice %rms_att_weights [%layer, 0] [1, 288] [1, 1] : tensor<6x288xf32> to tensor<288xf32>
%xb = @rmsnorm(%x, %rms_att_weight) : (tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>

// qkv matmuls
%wqs = tensor.extract_slice %wq [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 288, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x288x288xf32> to tensor<288x288xf32>
%wks = tensor.extract_slice %wk [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 288, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x288x288xf32> to tensor<288x288xf32>
%wvs = tensor.extract_slice %wv [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 288, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x288x288xf32> to tensor<288x288xf32>
%q, %k, %v = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 6,48> } -> tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32> {
%q = cinm.op.gemv %wqs, %xb : (tensor<288x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>
%k = cinm.op.gemv %wks, %xb : (tensor<288x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>
%v = cinm.op.gemv %wvs, %xb : (tensor<288x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>
cinm.yield %q, %k, %v : tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>

// RoPE relative positional encoding: complex-valued rotate q and k in each head
%posi = arith.index_cast %pos : index to i64
%posf = arith.uitofp %posi : i64 to f32
%q2, %k2 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c288 step %c2 iter_args(%qi = %q, %ki = %k) -> (tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) {
%head_dim = arith.remui %i, %c48 : index
%head_dimi = arith.index_cast %head_dim : index to i64
%head_dimf = arith.uitofp %head_dimi : i64 to f32
%0 = arith.divf %head_dimf, %c48f : f32
%1 = math.powf %c10000f, %0 : f32
%freq = arith.divf %c1f, %1 : f32
%val = arith.mulf %posf, %freq : f32
%fcr = math.cos %val : f32
%fci = math.sin %val : f32

%qr = @rot(%qi, %i, %fcr, %fci) : (tensor<288xf32>, index, f32, f32) -> tensor<288xf32>

%cond = arith.cmpi ult, %i, %c288 : index
%kr = scf.if %cond -> (tensor<288xf32>) {
%kr = @rot(%ki, %i, %fcr, %fci) : (tensor<288xf32>, index, f32, f32) -> tensor<288xf32>
scf.yield %kr : tensor<288xf32>
} else {
scf.yield %ki : tensor<288xf32>

scf.yield %qr, %kr : tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>

%kc2 = tensor.insert_slice %k2 into %kc [%layer, %pos, 0] [1, 1, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<288xf32> into tensor<6x256x288xf32>
%vc2 = tensor.insert_slice %v into %vc [%layer, %pos, 0] [1, 1, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<288xf32> into tensor<6x256x288xf32>

// multi head attention
%kc_slice = tensor.extract_slice %kc2 [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 256, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x256x288xf32> to tensor<256x288xf32>
%vc_slice = tensor.extract_slice %vc2 [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 256, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x256x288xf32> to tensor<256x288xf32>
%xb2 = @mha(%q2, %kc_slice, %vc_slice, %pos) : (tensor<288xf32>, tensor<256x288xf32>, tensor<256x288xf32>, index) -> tensor<288xf32>

%wo_slice = tensor.extract_slice %wo [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 288, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x288x288xf32> to tensor<288x288xf32>
%xb4 = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 6,48> } -> tensor<288xf32> {
// final matmul to get the output of the attention
%xb3 = cinm.op.gemv %wo_slice, %xb2 : (tensor<288x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>

// residual connection back into x
%xb4 = cinm.op.add %x, %xb3 : tensor<288xf32>
cinm.yield %xb4 : tensor<288xf32>

// ffn rmsnorm
%rms_ffn_weight = tensor.extract_slice %rms_ffn_weights [%layer, 0] [1, 288] [1, 1] : tensor<6x288xf32> to tensor<288xf32>
%xb5 = @rmsnorm(%xb4, %rms_ffn_weight) : (tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>

// Now for FFN in PyTorch we have: self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))
// first calculate self.w1(x) and self.w3(x)
%w1_slice = tensor.extract_slice %w1 [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 768, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x768x288xf32> to tensor<768x288xf32>
%w3_slice = tensor.extract_slice %w3 [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 768, 288] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x768x288xf32> to tensor<768x288xf32>
%hb1, %hb2 = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 48> } -> tensor<768xf32>, tensor<768xf32> {
%hb1 = cinm.op.gemv %w1_slice, %xb5 : (tensor<768x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<768xf32>
%hb2 = cinm.op.gemv %w3_slice, %xb5 : (tensor<768x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<768xf32>
cinm.yield %hb1, %hb2 : tensor<768xf32>, tensor<768xf32>

// SwiGLU non-linearity
%hb3 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c768 step %c1 iter_args(%hb = %hb1) -> (tensor<768xf32>) {
%0 = tensor.extract %hb [%i] : tensor<768xf32>
%1 = tensor.extract %hb2 [%i] : tensor<768xf32>
%2 = math.exp %0 : f32
%3 = arith.addf %c1f, %2 : f32
%4 = arith.divf %c1f, %3 : f32
%5 = arith.mulf %1, %4 : f32
%hbr = tensor.insert %5 into %hb [%i] : tensor<768xf32>
scf.yield %hbr : tensor<768xf32>

%w2_slice = tensor.extract_slice %w2 [%layer, 0, 0] [1, 288, 768] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<6x288x768xf32> to tensor<288x768xf32>
%xb7 = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 6,48> } -> tensor<288xf32> {
// final matmul to get the output of the ffn
%xb6 = cinm.op.gemv %w2_slice, %hb3 : (tensor<288x768xf32>, tensor<768xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>

// residual connection
%xb7 = cinm.op.add %x, %xb6 : tensor<288xf32>
cinm.yield %xb7 : tensor<288xf32>

scf.yield %xb7, %kc2, %vc2 : tensor<288xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>

%x2 = @rmsnorm(%x, %rms_final_weight) : (tensor<288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32>
%logits = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 256,3> } -> tensor<32000xf32> {
%wcls2 = tensor.pad %wcls low[0,0] high[768,0] {
^bb0(%arg1: index, %arg2: index):
tensor.yield %c0f : f32
} : tensor<32000x288xf32> to tensor<32768x288xf32>
%logits = cinm.op.gemv %wcls2, %x2 : (tensor<32768x288xf32>, tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<32768xf32>
%logits2 = tensor.extract_slice %logits [0] [32000] [1] : tensor<32768xf32> to tensor<32000xf32>
cinm.yield %logits2 : tensor<32000xf32>

return %logits, %kc, %vc : tensor<32000xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>, tensor<6x256x288xf32>

func.func @rot(%v: tensor<288xf32>, %i: index, %fcr : f32, %fci : f32) -> tensor<288xf32> {
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%i2 = arith.addi %i, %c1 : index
%v0 = tensor.extract %v [%i] : tensor<288xf32>
%v1 = tensor.extract %v [%i2] : tensor<288xf32>
%0 = arith.mulf %v0, %fcr : f32
%1 = arith.mulf %v1, %fci : f32
%2 = arith.subf %0, %1 : f32
%r0 = tensor.insert %2 into %v[%i] : tensor<288xf32>
%3 = arith.mulf %v0, %fci : f32
%4 = arith.mulf %v1, %fcr : f32
%5 = arith.addf %3, %4 : f32
%r1 = tensor.insert %2 into %r0[%i] : tensor<288xf32>
return %r1 : tensor<288xf32>

func.func @mha(%q: tensor<288xf32>, %kc: tensor<256x288xf32>, %vc: tensor<256x288xf32>, %pos: index) -> tensor<288xf32> {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
%c48 = arith.constant 48 : index

%xb_init = tensor.empty() : tensor<288xf32>
%xb = scf.for %head = %c0 to %c6 step %c1 iter_args(%xbi = %xb_init) -> (tensor<288xf32>) {
%hoff = arith.muli %head, %c48 : index
%q_slice = tensor.extract_slice %q [%hoff] [48] [1] : tensor<288xf32> to tensor<48xf32>
%kc_slice = tensor.extract_slice %kc [0, %hoff] [256, 48] [1, 1] : tensor<256x288xf32> to tensor<256x48xf32>
%vc_slice = tensor.extract_slice %vc [0, %hoff] [256, 48] [1, 1] : tensor<256x288xf32> to tensor<256x48xf32>
%xb_slice = @attn(%q_slice, %kc_slice, %vc_slice, %pos) : (tensor<48xf32>, tensor<256x48xf32>, tensor<256x48xf32>, index) -> tensor<48xf32>
%xbr = tensor.insert_slice %xb_slice into %xbi [%hoff] [48] [1] : tensor<48xf32> into tensor<288xf32>
scf.yield %xbr : tensor<288xf32>

return %xb : tensor<288xf32>

func.func @attn(%q: tensor<48xf32>, %kc: tensor<256x48xf32>, %vc: tensor<256x48xf32>, %pos: index) -> tensor<48xf32> {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%scale = arith.constant 6.92820323028 : f32 // sqrt(head_size)

%ninf = arith.constant 0xFF800000 : f32
%attn = tensor.generate {
^bb0(%arg1: index):
tensor.yield %ninf : f32
} : tensor<256xf32>

%attn2 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %pos step %c1 iter_args(%attn_i = %attn) -> (tensor<256xf32>) {
%k = tensor.extract_slice %kc [%i, 0] [1, 48] [1, 1] : tensor<256x48xf32> to tensor<48xf32>
%score = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 48> } -> f32 {
%0 = cinm.op.mul %q, %k : tensor<48xf32>
%1 = cinm.op.reduce add (%0) : tensor<48xf32>
%2 = arith.divf %1, %scale : f32
cinm.yield %2 : f32
%attn_i2 = tensor.insert %score into %attn_i [%i] : tensor<256xf32>
scf.yield %attn_i2 : tensor<256xf32>

%attn3 = call @softmax(%attn2) : (tensor<256xf32>) -> tensor<256xf32>

%xb_init = tensor.empty() : tensor<48xf32>
%xb = scf.for %i = %c0 to %pos step %c1 iter_args(%xbi = %xb_init) -> (tensor<48xf32>) {
%v = tensor.extract_slice %vc [%i, 0] [1, 48] [1, 1] : tensor<256x48xf32> to tensor<48xf32>
%a = tensor.extract %attn3 [%i] : tensor<256xf32>
%xbs = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 48> } -> tensor<48xf32>{
%0 = cinm.op.muls %v, %a : tensor<48xf32>
%1 = cinm.op.add %0, %xbi : tensor<48xf32>
cinm.yield %1 : tensor<48xf32>
scf.yield %xbs : tensor<48xf32>

return %xb : tensor<48xf32>

func.func @rmsnorm(%v : tensor<288xf32>, %w : tensor<288xf32>) -> tensor<288xf32> {
%epsilon = arith.constant 1.0e-5 : f32
%c1 = arith.constant 1.0 : f32
%c288 = arith.constant 288.0 : f32

%r = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 6,48> } -> tensor<288xf32> {
%0 = cinm.op.mul %v, %v : tensor<288xf32>
%ss = cinm.op.reduce add (%0) : tensor<288xf32>
%s0 = arith.divf %ss, %c288 : f32
%s1 = arith.addf %s0, %epsilon : f32
%s = math.rsqrt %s1 : f32
%x = cinm.op.muls %v, %s : tensor<288xf32>
%r = cinm.op.mul %x, %w : tensor<288xf32>
cinm.yield %r : tensor<288xf32>
return %r : tensor<288xf32>

func.func @softmax(%vec : tensor<256xf32>) -> tensor<256xf32> {
%r = cinm.compute attributes { workgroupShape = array<i64: 16,16> } -> tensor<256xf32> {
%max = cinm.op.reduce max (%vec) : tensor<256xf32>
%t = cinm.op.subs %vec, %max : tensor<256xf32>
%shape = tensor.empty() : tensor<256xf32>
%e = linalg.exp ins(%t : tensor<256xf32>) outs(%shape : tensor<256xf32>) -> tensor<256xf32>
%s = cinm.op.reduce add (%e) : tensor<256xf32>
%r = cinm.op.divs %e, %s : tensor<256xf32>
cinm.yield %r : tensor<256xf32>

return %r : tensor<256xf32>

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