This is a build action to create binary releases for the ADALM-Pluto SDR.
You mainly get SoapySDR, the SoapyPlutoSDR module, and rtl_433. But there is also rx_tools, tx_tools, SoapyRemote, chrony, gpsd, and for testing iperf, socat. Let me know what other tools would be useful.
Download a Release,
then copy to the Pluto and unpack to /usr
$ wget
$ gzip -dc plutosdr-apps-2024-02-23.tar.gz |ssh root@pluto "cd /usr ; tar xv"
$ ssh root@pluto
# SoapySDRUtil --args="driver=plutosdr" --rate=50000000 --direction=RX
# SoapySDRServer --bind
$ SoapySDRUtil --args="driver=remote,remote=,remote:driver=plutosdr" --rate=4000000 --direction=RX
If you want to compile yourself you need a compiler toolchain.
You want a host target of arm-linux-gnueabihf
, a number of options are available:
Simply install the crossbuild-essential-armhf
meta package.
Toolchain path will be /usr
and is already setup.
You can use the (previously Linaro) supplied compiler.
See GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture.
The 8.2-2019.01
version could work. You want the download "AArch32 target with hard float (arm-linux-gnueabihf)", then just unpack.
Toolchain path will be DESTDIR/gcc-arm-8.2-2019.01-x86_64-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Newer versions of the Pluto firmware don't use GCC 8.2.0 anymore but GCC 7.3 now.
See Arm GNU Toolchain Downloads
for GNU Toolchain releases from Linaro (discontinued).
The 7.3-2018.05
version should work. You want the download "arm-linux-gnueabihf", then just unpack.
Toolchain path will be DESTDIR/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf
You can use the Xilinix provided compiler. The download needs an account though and there is no easy unattended install.
See Xilinx Software Development Kit (XSDK).
You want the Software Development Kit Standalone WebInstall Client - 2019.1 Lightweight Installer Download,
then run sh Xilinx_SDK_2019.1_0524_1430_Lin64.bin
We only need tools from /opt/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/gnu/aarch32/lin/gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi You might want to repackage the compiler base dir for unattended install.
Toolchain path will be /opt/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/gnu/aarch32/lin/gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi