💬 I am a gravitational wave researcher as part of the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Collaboration (LVK), the LISA Consortium, and the Simulating Extreme Spacetime (SXS) Collaboration. My research primarily focuses on two key aspects: (i) building accurate models for the gravitational radiation (waveforms) and merger properties (remnants) from binary black hole (BBH) coalescence, and (ii) developing computationally efficient source characterization (parameter estimation) tools for GW data analysis. More about my works is available here: https://tousifislam.com/.
⚡ Following are the tools/packages I have developed as a primary contributor:
- gwModels https://github.com/tousifislam/gwModels: package for data-driven and phenomenological models for gravitational waveforms
- gwtails https://github.com/tousifislam/gwtails: package for analyzing late-time tails in BBH mergers
- gw-remnant https://github.com/tousifislam/gw_remnant: : package for computing remnant quanties from gravitational waveforms
- BHPTNRSurrogate https://github.com/BlackHolePerturbationToolkit/BHPTNRSurrogate: package for black-hole perturbation theory based surrogate waveform models
- EMRISurrogate https://github.com/BlackHolePerturbationToolkit/EMRISurrogate: package for black-hole perturbation theory based surrogate waveform models (deprecated)
- BHPTNR_Remnant https://github.com/tousifislam/BHPTNR_Remnant: package for black-hole perturbation theory based surrogate remnant models
⚡ Following are the tools/packages I have contributed to:
- gwsurrogate https://github.com/sxs-collaboration/gwsurrogate: package for numerical relativity surrogate waveform models
- cogwheel https://github.com/jroulet/cogwheel/: package for efficient gravitational wave parameter estimation
- NRSurCat-1 https://nrsur-catalog.github.io/NRSurCat-1/intro.html#: package for accessing NRSur7dq4 posteriors for GWTC-3