The crappiest chat app known to man!
A Node.js
& Firebase
webapp submitted to the 2017 Stupid Hackathon!
Write your message in English and have it converted to Morse Code using 💩 and 🚽 emojis. Within each word, the letters are seperated with a 💥. And anything that is not a letter (spaces, numbers, ?, !, etc) are shown normally.
And yes, sound effects are included!
Please check out the deployed version in Heroku here!
Also view the Periscope Video!
Steve Freeman - Full Stack Developer
Thomas Thompson - Full Stack Developer
On the backend, the app uses Express
to serve routes.
On the frontend, the app uses Handlebars
for templating and Bootstrap
as a styling framework. The app also uses jQuery
and the Firebase API
to make for instant messaging.
An example translation of aye!
becomes 💩 🚽 💥 🚽 💩 🚽 🚽 💥 💩 💥 !
💩 = dot
🚽 = dash
💥 = pause between letters
After cloning the repo down to your local machine...
- Ensure that you have NodeJS installed.
- Then
into this repo and runnpm install
. - Serve the page locally by running
node server.js
. - Then navigate to
in your browser.