Provides a generic abstract factory, accepting classes as constructor parameters to create objects (using a simple mapping logic).
Use the node package manager npm to install.
npm i generic-typescript-factory
First define your factory class which extends from GenericFactory.
import { DataserviceGeneralErrors } from "../general-errors";
import { DataserviceFluentValidationErrors } from "../fluent-validation-errors";
import { SupportedErrorsType } from "../../supported-errors.type";
import { GenericFactory } from "generic-typescript-factory";
export class SupportedErrorsFactory extends GenericFactory<
> {
constructor() {
super([DataserviceFluentValidationErrors, DataserviceGeneralErrors]);
protected onCreateObj(
createdErrorObj: SupportedErrorsType
): SupportedErrorsType {
return createdErrorObj;
Now you would be able to instantiate the objects of DataserviceFluentValidationErrors or DataserviceGeneralErrors classes by using new SupportedErrorsFactory().create(obj).
- onCreateObj method will be called on creation of the object.(You can apply your custom logic inside that method)
.catch((response: HttpErrorResponse) => {
let errorObj: SupportedErrorsType = new SupportedErrorsFactory().create(
return Promise.reject("promise rejected");
In here we catched SupportedErrorsType's (error types that can return from our api) instantiated the objects(using our factory) and applied our logic to toast those errors.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.