Our final project uses airports and route dataset from OpenFlights to find the shortest air-path between two given airports and the relatively important airports.
We implemented Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the shortest path between two airports, PageRank algorithm to find important airports.
├── README.md
├── bin
├── data # contains the the airport and route dataset from OpenFlights
│ ├── airport.csv # original airport file
│ ├── airport_small.csv # first 200 lines of original airport file
│ └── route.csv # original airport file
├── documents
│ ├── contract.md
│ ├── log.md
│ └── proposal.md
├── importance_it_explanation # PageRank by iteration: correctness proof and complexity analysis
├── includes # header files
│ ├── all_pairs_shortest_paths.h # Floyd-Warshall
│ ├── data.h # graph data structure and file utilities
│ ├── dfs.h # abstract DFS
│ ├── filename_def.h # output filename constant definition
│ ├── importance.h # PageRank
│ ├── matrix_operation.h # matrix operation support for eigenvector implementation of PageRank
│ ├── strongly_connected_components.h # strongly connected component
│ └── type.h # data type declaration
├── makefile
├── obj
├── presentation_slides.pdf
├── reserve_obj
├── results.md
├── run_tests.sh # script: run all test cases (except tests_importance_mutual_actual; reason see the end of readme)
├── sample_result.tar.gz # pre-computed result package (can be passed into result_interpreter directly)
├── src # source files (repeated file description see "includes")
│ ├── algorithm_driver.cpp # entry: algorithm_driver
│ ├── all_pairs_shortest_paths.cpp
│ ├── data.cpp
│ ├── importance.cpp
│ ├── result_interpreter.cpp # entry: result_interpreter
│ └── strongly_connected_components.cpp
└── tests # test cases
├── catch.cpp
├── catch.hpp
├── tests_all_pairs_shortest_paths.cpp
├── tests_dfs.cpp
├── tests_importance.cpp
├── tests_importance_mutual_actual.cpp
├── tests_matrix_operation.cpp
├── tests_strongly_connected_components.cpp
├── tests_utilities.cpp
└── tests_utilities.h
Note: the following chart relies on "mermaid".
graph LR;
subgraph Entry
subgraph Algorithms
subgraph Data
B-->|result_interpreter run DFS directly|H;
The main entry is divided into two part: algorithm_driver and result_interpreter. The reason of that is algorithm_driver will run all algorithms and takes ~82min on EWS since it runs all algorithm and major time spent on Floyd-Warshall (~70min). We divide the responsibilities into two part: computational (algorithm_driver) and user interaction (result_interpreter).
Data and algorithms are independent of each other, and the connection between them is controlled by the entry part.
The result_interpreter is nearly independent to algorithms unless the following exception: result_interpreter run DFS directly (b/c it is fast, and it enables running DFS from any origin per user's request).
Run strongly connected components algorithm, three algorithms finding importance of airports, and Floyd-Warshall.
Then store raw data in csv and zip into result.tar.gz
because raw data is very big (~800MB).
make algorithm_driver
./bin/algorithm_driver <airport-dataset-filename> <airline-dataset-filename>
and <airline-dataset-filename>
are optional
and the default values are data/airport.csv
and data/route.csv
There are 6072 airports in data/airport.csv
To short run time (for the purpose of demo),
we can use ./bin/algorithm_driver data/airport_small.csv
where data/airport_small.csv
only contains first 200 airports in data/airport.csv
Read result from algorithm_driver. Interact with users.
make result_interpreter
./bin/result_interpreter <result-zip-filename>
is optional
and the default value is result.tar.gz
We can run ./bin/result_interpreter sample_result.tar.gz
to interpret the precomputed result from the default dataset (data/airport.csv
and data/route.csv
The result_interpreter provides 5 interactive command
dfs <origin-iata-code>
: run DFS with the specific origin airport<origin-iata-code>
scc <iata-code>
: find the index (unique identifier) of the strongly connected component contains airport<iata-code>
sp <departure-iata-code> <destination-iata-code>
: find the shortest path from the airport<departure-iata-code>
to the airport<destination-iata-code>
top <limit-number>
: find the<limit-number>
most important airportsrank <iata-code>
: find importance of the airport<iata-code>
- Compile + Run:
sh run_tests.sh
make tests_importance_mutual_actual
This will take ~12min on EWS.
The reason of excluding this test case from "tests all" is
this test case takes too long
since it compares the result of ImportanceIteration
, ImportanceEigenvectorByLU
and ImportanceEigenvectorByGaussian
mutually by inputing the default dataset (data/airport.csv
and data/route.csv