This repository contains the IBM RESTful API Python client, which establishes terminal connection with IBM DS8000 storage systems. The Python client protocol enables full management and monitoring of these storage arrays by issuing dedicated RESTful APIs.
The content in this collection supports Python 3.6 and newer.
Clone the repository, and then add it to your PYTHONPATH directory. The Python client is then ready for import and use. The library is also available to install using pip. See the pypi pyds8k project
To install via pip run the following command:
pip install pyds8k
Documentation for the pyds8k library can be generated using sphinx. The documentation for the latest release is also available via
NOTE: To view older versions of the doc, click on the link at the bottom right corner in the readthedocs link and select the desired version.
Usage examples of the Python client are available in the file.
Each storage system of DS8000 and major software version has its own set of RESTful APIs. The RESTful APIs are detailed in the RESTful API reference guides that are available on IBM Knowledge Center (KC).
To display the full RESTful API Reference Guide of a specific storage system and a specific software version:
Navigate to a storage system welcome page on KC:
On the welcome page, select a storage system software version. For example, select Version 8.5.3.
The welcome page of the selected software version is displayed.
- If needed, select the Table of contents tab.
- On the table of contents, click RESTful API.
- Refer to Host commands and to all subsequent chapters.
We do not accept any contributions at the moment. This may change in the future, so you can fork, clone, and suggest a pull request.
Use nosetests command to run a test.
nosetests -v