A compiler and interpreter of a toy language. Using C++, Flex and Bison.
while.exe program is in this repo ready to use on Windows!
The language is called the While language. Its different variants often serve educational purposes.
- two types (boolean and natural)
- expressions of these two types
- assignment instruction
- reading/writing from standard input/output
- branching
- looping
program test_write_natural
natural n
natural i
natural f
natural t
f := 0
t := 3
for i := f to t do
while not (n = 0) do
i := n
while i > 0 do
i := i-1
See the test/*.ok* files to learn the syntax and semantics of the language.
Make sure you have g++, flex, bison and nasm installed. The project was tested with the following versions: g++ 8.3.0 (C++14), flex 2.6.4, bison 3.3.2, nasm 2.14. It might work with other versions as well.
Install deps (Debian based example):
sudo apt-get install g++ flex bison nasm build-essential gcc-multilib libfl-dev
Use these following commands to build the project (including flex+bison files):
make clean
WARNING: make clean must be executed first to cleanup all pre-generated flex+bison files
Use the following command to run tests:
make test
Use the following command to cleanup all generated files:
make clean
WARNING: if you are using a 32bit OS just update Makefile with the following commands:
sed -i 's/nasm -f elf32/nasm -felf/g' Makefile
sed -i 's/gcc -m32/gcc/g' Makefile
Modify Makefile:
sed -i 's/flex /# flex /g' Makefile
sed -i 's/bison /# bison /g' Makefile
Use the following command to build the project without bison+flex installed:
(For windows just use mingw32-make.exe)
Don't use make clean, use instead the following command to cleanup all generated files:
make no-flex-bison-clean
The following command executes a While program immediately:
./while -i path/to/your/while.program
echo -e "program dregpoc\nbegin\nwrite(69)\nend" > poc.w
./while -i poc.w
Output (stdout):
The following command compiles a While language program to NASM assembly:
./while -c path/to/your/while.program > output.asm
To further compile the assembly program to an executable
64 bit OS:
nasm -f elf32 output.asm
gcc -m32 output.o io.c -o output
32 bit OS:
nasm -felf output.asm
gcc output.o io.c -o output
To run the executable output:
windows powershell example generating assembly program (using stdin as input):
Write-Output "program dreg`nbegin`nwrite(69)`nend" | .\while.exe -c
Output (stdout):
global main
extern write_natural
extern read_natural
extern write_boolean
extern read_boolean
section .bss
section .text
mov eax,69
push eax
call write_natural
add esp,4
xor eax,eax
Write-Output "program dreg`nbegin`nwrite(69)`nend`n" | .\while.exe -c | % { $_ -replace 'write' , '_write' } | % { $_ -replace 'read' , '_read' } | % { $_ -replace 'main' , '_main' } | out-file -encoding ascii poc.asm
nasm.exe -f win32 poc.asm
mingw32-gcc.exe poc.obj io.c -o poc.exe
From @Kokan 's fork:
- add stdin as input when no file-arg
- add a basic CI github actions (makefile.yml...)
- add tests for elvis operator (?), FOR _ := _ TO _ DO _ DONE loop ...
- flex and bison as optional tools to build the project (uploaded pre-generated files)
- dirty and uncomplete windows support + .exe compiled with mingw (deps static)
- by default->64bit OS compiles/assembles 32bit code (added instructions for 32bit OS)
- merged some PR's from original repo by @devaigergely81
- master to main
- .gitignore, .gitattributes ...
- better README.md
- add changelog, to-do, credits, new license header...
- ...
- more tests (especially for Kokan's work: elvis operator, multiple assignment and "for loop")
- improve CI (more github actions, add more distros...)
- improve Makefile (current version sucks)
- clang-format + clang-tidy
- better doc
- docker
- flex+bison+windows+nasm instructions: https://github.com/lexxmark/winflexbison + https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/ + https://www.nasm.us
- document internals: how nasm code is generated, asm snippets, how write_natural is linked ...
- better windows support: Makefile (make clean, tests, ...), compilation with nasm, ....
- ...
- http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/flex.htm
- http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/bison.htm
This software is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
- original repo by Gergely Dévai ( @devaigergely81 ): https://github.com/devaigergely81/flex-bison-example
- fork by Kókai Péter ( @Kokan ): https://github.com/Kokan/flex-bison-example