The Cisco Intersight Terraform Provider is available in the Terraform Registry at This repository contains example modules that use the provider to create
A terraform module to create a managed Kubernetes clusters using Intersight Kubernetes Service (IKS). Available through the Terraform registry and its source code.
- You cannot assign the cluster action as "Deploy" and "wait_for_completion" as TRUE at the same time.
- You want to create an IKS cluster on your on-premises infrastructure using Intersight.
- These resources will be provided using Intersight and VMware vCenter 6.7.
- You've claimed vCenter using the Intersight Assist Appliance.
This module creates all of the resources required for IKS. Those resources are identitified below. It is designed as a quickstart/example of how to get an IKS cluster running. More customization is being enabled but currently there are some caveats:
Reusing prebuilt policies is supported. Each object block has a variable for doing this. Set
use_existing = true
If existing objects are not available this module will create those objects for you where required. Set
use_existing = false
For the runtime_policies and the Trusted registry, if you DO NOT want to use this policy in your cluster build you need to set the following variable combination in EACH object block.
use_existing = false
create_new = false
See the Examples ---> Complete directory for usage of this module.
There are 4 example files below that are needed to use this module. Create these files in the same directory, run terraform init. You will then be ready to run terraform plan or terraform apply.
Change the variables in the terraform.tfvars file and the as needed. See the above Examples folder for more information.
Sample file.
provider "intersight" {
apikey = var.apikey
secretkey = var.secretkey
endpoint = var.endpoint
module "terraform-intersight-iks" {
source = "terraform-cisco-modules/iks/intersight//"
version = "~>2.4.0"
# Kubernetes Cluster Profile Adjust the values as needed.
cluster = {
name = "new_cluster"
action = "Unassign"
wait_for_completion = false
worker_nodes = 5
load_balancers = 5
worker_max = 20
control_nodes = 1
ssh_user = var.ssh_user
ssh_public_key = var.ssh_key
# IP Pool Information (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
ip_pool = {
use_existing = true
name = "10-239-21-0"
# ip_starting_address = ""
# ip_pool_size = "20"
# ip_netmask = ""
# ip_gateway = ""
# dns_servers = ["",""]
# Sysconfig Policy (UI Reference NODE OS Configuration) (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
sysconfig = {
use_existing = true
name = "richfield"
# domain_name = ""
# timezone = "America/New_York"
# ntp_servers = [""]
# dns_servers = [""]
# Kubernetes Network CIDR (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
k8s_network = {
use_existing = true
name = "default"
######### Below are the default settings. Change if needed. #########
# pod_cidr = ""
# service_cidr = ""
# cni = "Calico"
# Version policy (To create new change "useExisting" to 'false' uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
versionPolicy = {
useExisting = true
policyName = "1-19-15-iks.3"
iksVersionName = "1.19.15-iks.3"
# Trusted Registry Policy (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' and set "create_new' to 'true' uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
# Set both variables to 'false' if this policy is not needed.
tr_policy = {
use_existing = false
create_new = false
name = "trusted-registry"
# Runtime Policy (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' and set "create_new' to 'true' uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
# Set both variables to 'false' if this policy is not needed.
runtime_policy = {
use_existing = false
create_new = false
# name = "runtime"
# http_proxy_hostname = "t"
# http_proxy_port = 80
# http_proxy_protocol = "http"
# http_proxy_username = null
# http_proxy_password = null
# https_proxy_hostname = "t"
# https_proxy_port = 8080
# https_proxy_protocol = "https"
# https_proxy_username = null
# https_proxy_password = null
# Infrastructure Configuration Policy (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' and uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
infraConfigPolicy = {
use_existing = true
# platformType = "iwe"
# targetName = "falcon"
policyName = "dev"
# description = "Test Policy"
# interfaces = ["iwe-guests"]
# vcTargetName = optional(string)
# vcClusterName = optional(string)
# vcDatastoreName = optional(string)
# vcResourcePoolName = optional(string)
# vcPassword = optional(string)
# Addon Profile and Policies (To create new change "createNew" to 'true' and uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
# This is an Optional item. Comment or remove to not use. Multiple addons can be configured.
addons = [
createNew = true
addonPolicyName = "smm-tf"
addonName = "smm"
description = "SMM Policy"
upgradeStrategy = "AlwaysReinstall"
installStrategy = "InstallOnly"
releaseVersion = "1.7.4-cisco4-helm3"
overrides = yamlencode({"demoApplication":{"enabled":true}})
# {
# createNew = true
# addonName = "ccp-monitor"
# description = "monitor Policy"
# # upgradeStrategy = "AlwaysReinstall"
# # installStrategy = "InstallOnly"
# releaseVersion = "0.2.61-helm3"
# # overrides = yamlencode({"demoApplication":{"enabled":true}})
# }
# Worker Node Instance Type (To create new change "use_existing" to 'false' and uncomment variables and modify them to meet your needs.)
instance_type = {
use_existing = true
name = "small"
# cpu = 4
# memory = 16386
# disk_size = 40
# Organization and Tag Information
organization = var.organization
tags = var.tags
Sample terraform.tfvars file.
apikey = ""
secretkey = "../../.secret"
organization = "default"
ssh_user = "iksadmin"
ssh_key = ""
tags = [
"key" : "managed_by"
"value" : "Terraform"
"key" : "owner"
"value" : "jb"
organization = "default" # Change this if a different org is required. Default org is set to "default"
Sample file
terraform {
required_version = ">=1.1.0"
required_providers {
intersight = {
source = "CiscoDevNet/intersight"
version = ">=1.0.18"
Sample file.
variable "apikey" {
type = string
description = "API Key"
variable "secretkey" {
type = string
description = "Secret Key or file location"
variable "endpoint" {
type = string
description = "API Endpoint URL"
default = ""
variable "organization" {
type = string
description = "Organization Name"
default = "default"
variable "ssh_user" {
type = string
description = "SSH Username for node login."
variable "ssh_key" {
type = string
description = "SSH Public Key to be used to node login."
variable "tags" {
type = list(map(string))
default = []
Always check Kubernetes Release Notes before updating the major version.
Name | Version |
terraform | >=1.1.0 |
intersight | >=1.0.18 |
Name | Version |
intersight | >=1.0.18 |
Name | Source | Version |
addons | ./modules/addon_policy | n/a |
cluster_addon_profile | ./modules/cluster_addon_profile | n/a |
cluster_profile | ./modules/cluster | n/a |
control_profile | ./modules/node_profile | n/a |
control_provider | ./modules/infra_provider | n/a |
infra_config_policy | ./modules/infra_config_policy | n/a |
instance_type | ./modules/worker_profile | n/a |
ip_pool_policy | ./modules/ip_pool | n/a |
k8s_network | ./modules/k8s_network | n/a |
k8s_sysconfig | ./modules/k8s_sysconfig | n/a |
k8s_version | ./modules/version | n/a |
runtime_policy | ./modules/runtime_policy | n/a |
trusted_registry | ./modules/trusted_registry | n/a |
worker_profile | ./modules/node_profile | n/a |
worker_provider | ./modules/infra_provider | n/a |
Name | Type |
intersight_ippool_pool.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_container_runtime_policy.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_network_policy.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_sys_config_policy.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_trusted_registries_policy.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_version_policy.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_virtual_machine_infra_config_policy.this | data source |
intersight_kubernetes_virtual_machine_instance_type.this | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
addons | n/a | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
cluster | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
infraConfigPolicy | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
infra_config_policy_name | Name of existing infra config policy (if it exists) to be used. | string |
"" |
no |
instance_type | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
ip_pool | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
k8s_network | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
k8s_network_policy_name | Name of existing K8s Network Policy (if it exists) to be used. | string |
"" |
no |
organization | Organization Name | string |
"default" |
no |
runtime_policy | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
sysconfig | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
tags | n/a | list(map(string)) |
[] |
no |
tr_policy | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
versionPolicy | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
k8s_cluster_ca_certificate | n/a |
k8s_cluster_client_certificate | n/a |
k8s_cluster_client_key | n/a |
k8s_cluster_host | n/a |
k8s_cluster_kubeconfig | n/a |
k8s_cluster_moid | n/a |
k8s_cluster_profile_moid | n/a |