A very fast, static, in-memory nearest neighbor (KNN) search index for locations on Earth. Approximates Earth's curvature and accounts for International Date Line wrapping using Haversine great-circle distance formula. Utilizes a k-d tree for very quick spatial searches.
- ✅ Zero dependency
- ✅ Pure Go
- ✅ 100% test coverage
- ✅ Used in production by high-volume services powering Speedtest
go get github.com/teamookla/neighborhood
import github.com/teamookla/neighborhood
Index your own custom types by implementing the simple Point
func (t *Thing) Lat() float64 { return t.latitude }
func (t *Thing) Lon() float64 { return t.longitude }
Alternately, you can add Coordinates
to your type, which implements Point
type Thing struct {
Create a new index and load all searchable Points
Each call to Load
will replace all Points
in the Index
with the provided Points
idx := neighborhood.NewIndex().Load(things...)
mutates and returns the Index
to allow call chaining.
If you don't use call chaining, the returned Index
can be ignored.
idx := neighborhood.NewIndex()
Each call to Add
will take the provided points, merge them with the current points in the index.
uses Load
behind the scenes, so it is only as performant as calling Load
supports call chaining like Load
does as well.
idx := neighborhood.NewIndex()
origin := neighborhood.NewCoordinates(-122, 47) // origin can be any Point
results := idx.Nearby(origin, k, neighborhood.AcceptAny)
You can specify criteria other than distance that Points
must meet to be included in results.
accepter := func (p Point) bool {
return p.(*Thing).Color == "Blue" // we only want Blue things
origin := neighborhood.NewCoordinates(-122, 47) // origin can be any Point
results := idx.Nearby(origin, k, accepter)
You can optionally specify a secondary search rank for a Point
(distance is the primary).
// prefer older Things if there are multiple at the same distance
func (t *Thing) GetRank() float64 { return float64(t.age) }
Benchmark tests get k-nearest-neighbors from an Index with default options and 100,000 Points (uniformly distributed around the globe). Tests were run on a 2019 Macbook Pro 16.
BenchmarkLoad_1k-16 50382 24706 ns/op
BenchmarkLoad_10k-16 1821 649872 ns/op
BenchmarkLoad_100k-16 168 6915047 ns/op
BenchmarkNearby_100k_k1-16 72946 16338 ns/op
BenchmarkNearby_100k_k10-16 71701 16658 ns/op
BenchmarkNearby_100k_k100-16 12033 97936 ns/op
Neighborhood was inspired by Mapbox Engineer Vladimir Agafonkin's excellent dive into spatial search algorithms, and it is based on his geokdbush javascript library.